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LOL Ken... :D


M6 is the camera that got me "again" addicted to film coming from a D2.

Yes I still have it and there's no selling here cause that is my designated color negative body..

If you ran out of bettery and you have a hand-held meter with you...

"It's already an M3 / M2" and the fun goes on!!!


I bet those guys at the M3 thread are calling me... "Traitor!!! :D


Let me add... with batteries working... you can also call it a psudo MP!




Sorry... no gallery link... I'm at night school waiting for 7:00PM class to start. :)

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I couldn't resist chiming in. The M3 and MP are getting way too much attention! :D


Yes, the M6 is still a fine camera even after the battery goes dead.

Mine is an M6 "Classic" (non-TTL) that was made in 1996, according to the serial number. I bought it just recently, complete with the original red-velvet lined plastic box, documentation, and outer packaging for what I consider to be a very reasonable price. It is in perfect shape ... still has the plastic on the bottom plate. Of course it won't stay that way. I'm already using it a lot, alongside my M8.

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I bought my first M6 in'88 and the second in '89 or '90. I have traveled the world with both and neither has ever let me down. They just work! And... if the battery goes down, I can still take pictures! A few years ago, I had both worked on just because and will use them for another 20 years.


As much as I am taken by the M8, all of the problems really turn me off. Besides, can't we buy a lot of film for five grand?



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and now for something a little different, a portrait i did of my m6 using the traditional mezzotint medium. the serial number166xxx indicates it left the factory on 1/21/85 and is one of 4000 produced in that run. i had DAG do a cla and vf upgrade in 2005, and it is as good as new. i almost sold it once but my wife said not to. it is such a beauty.

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As much as I am taken by the M8, all of the problems really turn me off. Besides, can't we buy a lot of film for five grand?




I have an M6TTL, and love it.

I develop and print my own B&W.

Also shoot/scan slide film, averages $10 a roll.

As I sit here scanning in ~400 images, the utility of digital emerges...

For the equivalent of 430 rolls of Sensia, I just finally gave in and bought a demo M8.

I'll never quit using the M6, but economy doesn't have much to do with it!

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Have to pipe in too….. The M6 is the only film Leica that I ever bought new. I always wanted an M4 with a meter and the M5 just did not do it for me. So - when the M6 came out I bought it immediately. First year of production (Wetzlar) and probably the smoothest M I have owned; and you name it, I had it - M2, M3. M4, M5 etc.


It is not as pretty as it once was, has travelled the world and never let me down. Never has been touched by a technician and still works like charm. I do have an M7 as well and will have to decide which one to let go, with an M8 in the stable now I don’t think I need both an M6 and an M7. I like the convenience of the M7 but am leaning toward keeping the M6 simply for the fact that it is mechanical and built like a tank.





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I do have an M7 as well and will have to decide which one to let go, with an M8 in the stable now I don’t think I need both an M6 and an M7. I like the convenience of the M7 but am leaning toward keeping the M6 simply for the fact that it is mechanical and built like a tank.


Jan, I live out in Fort Langley. If you decide to sell the M7, fire a note off to me. Thomas

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Jan, I live out in Fort Langley. If you decide to sell the M7, fire a note off to me. Thomas


Being the procrastinator that I am, it might take a while. I have also realized that the M7 with its 0.85 finder may come in handy sometimes..... The M7 0.85 finder is so close to the M3 that I miss and the M6 is such a workhorse and so smooth......Decisions, decisions....


Having sold a few Leica items in the past and regreting having sold them does not make it any easier.





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Oh, BTW...how does one find out when thier camera was made? Where do I look up the serial #?


I have a book that has lists of body and lens serial numbers, but you might be able to find what you're looking for here:




Or you could start here:



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