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I have just acquired a visioflex iii for my M9 and there is a problem........ The unit attaches to the M9 just fine, and i can push the bayonet lever on the visio up without a problem however the whole unit rotates around because the bayonet lock lever on the camera doesn't click into the recess slot on the visio mount correctly. I also tried it on my M6 which is a little better but not right. 


Does anyone know how to adjust the rear male bayonet on the Visioflex so that it aligns properly?





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As the rear bajonet can rotate by about 90°, make sure it is locked into the position for the landscape format.


You´re thinking of the Visoflex I.  The Visoflex III has no such thing.  The bayonet lock pin on the camera should mate to its slot in the Viso rear mount directly when the camera is put into position, without turning anything at all.  Only when it does (thus preventing any rotation between camera and Viso as long as they are kept in contact), the locking arm on the Viso should be pushed upwards from the red dot.

Edited by elgenper
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You´re thinking of the Visoflex I.  The Visoflex III has no such thing.  

Thanks, you're quite right. As a matter of fact, I was thinking of the bellows II which you shouldn't mount on the M, anyway, as you can't detach it once it's attached.

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You'll need to calibrate the ground glass for focus.  I used thin strips of business card paper to raise its plane slightly.  Then you'll need to calibrate the mirror for accurate framing


There are old threads on this.  They were designed to focus in the middle of the curve of film, not the flat plane of a digital sensor


Once you get it right, you'll love it! 

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