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I got my  SF40 today, it's smaller than I thought and that's good !
door battery seems very fragile to keep it for years 

I cannot find the PDF manual  , do you know where it is ? 



thank you

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I have downloaded the one from Canon Nikon, difference is the way to activated HSS in the body

I sent an email to Leica support , they answered that they have noticed that problem only today and will change it

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After 1 hour of very frustrating searching, I finally found (and downloaded) the SF40 manual.


Here is where it is located:




The Leica website is truly one of the least helpful sites for any camera manufacturer. The SF40 manual is buried in the information/support/download site under M system.  It doesn't appear via a site search or anything else.


This is my 4th i40 (Sony, Fuji, M43 versions) and they're all a bit different. The other i40 flashes work well (haven't tried the SF40 yet) but the flash foot is extremely fragile. I've already had to replace one i40 flash foot and an A700 series foot as well. Luckily, Nissin support in the US is fairly fast. (Not sure whether support will come from Leica or Nissin.) So be very careful!  

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  • 8 years later...

I'm looking for this manual too. 
I see an SF 60 manual on the Leica site. Why is this so challenging? 
I'd rather not download PDFs from sites I don't know. 
The link someone shared above (8 years ago) is now dead. 

I've tried registering my flash on my Leica account in hopes that would give me a path to a downloadable manual but the site won't let me register flashes. 

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