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Unfortunately there is no Leica dealer in my country, so i can't try Leica correction lenses before i buy. Besides that i don't know if it's enough with a correction lens or if i do need something more than that.


The thing is I'm wearing glasses, and my sight on my right eye is - 0.75, plus aspherical corrections, i think it's called.


I can see perfectly sharp in the viewfinders in all my M's - both older film and newer digital as well - with my glasses on, but it's just plain and simple uncomfortable.


I've tried to put both a - 0.5 and a - 1.0 glass at the opticans store in front of my viewfinder (without glasses) but it's not the right thing.


Are there other possibilities to get adopter/correction lenses to my cameras besides from Leica? Custom made to my eye?

Edited by BjarniM
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