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M2 dirt / dust in focus patch

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Today I cleaned my M2. It had a fair amount of dust in the camera, so I used a rocket blower to clean it up. Unfortunately now I see dust or a little hair in the focus patch. Could I have moved it there with the rocket blower? If so, how can I get it out again? I tried to take a picture. I'm grateful for any help or advise.

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Yes it could have got there with the Rocket Blower. I have always said that they are a bad idea for cleaning digital sensors because you don't know where the dust goes, further into the camera or out of the camera, but it also applies to film cameras.


On the other hand, keep blowing, it may dislodge.



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After cleaning my M3 I had a very similar problem. The dust was on the framelines, just behind the frameline illumination window.


If you could somehow get some air right there it would help. I disassembled the top of the M3. That's also a way of cleaning it.

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