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Jessops, Reading


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I went into the new, restyled shop in the Oracle Centre today, you know, the shop with the massive Leica sign outside.

They had three show cases with Leica stuff in them. I asked to look at and the assistant unlocked a couple and I got to play with one with a couple of lenses, a zoom and a fixed ( that's all they had) plus the leather sleeve and the bolt on viewfinder.

It felt very nice!

I should have had a quick look at the manual before the visit as the guy knew nothing about it.

They also has a couple of M's but no lenses, strange, how would you try one.

The shops only been open a month the guy said so it's early days so I shouldn't complain.

It's now owned by Peter Jones, seems he does crawl out of his den after all.


Anybody else been in this shop?


Apparently it's the only Jessops that does Leica.


The amount of cameras available does seem a lot smaller compared to the old Jessops when they were on the other side of town

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