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M8 Camera Standard LR profile sky color transitions


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I am experiencing a problem with Camera Standard profile in LR 5.6.

Sky color transition does not look smooth. With Adobe Standard it's smooth and nice, but I like the colors of Camera profile more.

Here is a screenshot, Adobe Standard on the left, Camera Standard on the right.





Did anyone else notice that? Is there any solution to keep Camera Standard colors and get rid of those steps in color?



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You need to purchase a Monaco color card and make your own profile with Adobe Profile Editor. The card is expensive at about $80. But it is far easier in processing than to start with either of two wrong profiles. Also have you calibrated your monitor?

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I do experience the same from time to time and have not yet found a good solution. The camera standard profile gives me really weird histograms as well, so I am careful with that and only use it if I like the colors it gives, not for extreme postprocessing.

Doing my own profiles with a colorchecker passport is not really working very well as it really oversaturates the image for my taste. But I have done some profiles and I generally select the one that looks best for the image.

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You need to purchase a Monaco color card and make your own profile with Adobe Profile Editor. The card is expensive at about $80. But it is far easier in processing than to start with either of two wrong profiles. Also have you calibrated your monitor?


I don't think monitor calibration has anything to do with it. I'm on Apple cinema display, which is said to be pretty well calibrated by itself.

I'll give it a try building my own profile, though.

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