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A Kodak Rangefinder Against a M-3


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Well, the now tuned up '50's Kodak Motormatic 35 can knock out 10 shot bursts with every wind

while I have to double stroke the M-3 I had in Vietnam in '68 twice. Well, the selenium cell is

shot so the meter doesn't work in the auto phase of the Motormatic which is ok because nobody

who takes pictures needs a meter anyway. Darn, I see Lee miller has been in my Paris darkroom again screaming about rats and turning on the light to invent solarizing.

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OK,OK, I lied about Lee Miller being in my Paris darkroom when she was really in Ray Mann’s in

the 1920’s, but did indeed get scared by a rat, turned on the light in the middle of print developing

and got solerization which the the darkrooms owner Ray Man stole the credit for. This info I got

got from my friend and her brother John Mc Donald Miller who whooped Amelia Earhart’s butt

after she and her wealthy husband stole his #12 Pitcairn Autogyro that he was having built and was their

test pilot. He told me she was a bad pilot…. and he had every reason to know. Anyway, when

Amelia flew her Pitcairn to California to make a record she was told: to bad, Johnny came here in his a week ago, sorry!

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