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DPREVIEW: Studio shot comparison X113


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David Wentworth's critical review is written by a fashion photography working in a specific style. As such he finds several negative aspects. Imagine a typical Leica travel photographer producing a parallel report and most of Wentworth's criticisms would melt away because they are less relevant to the generally slower and more considered style of the former. Performance choices vary considerably between different photographic genres. At least a prospective buyer knows in advance what to expect. Sales will prove whether Leica have got the design right for its target market.

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Hi all,


this is heavily discussed in the German forum:




Does not look good for our X113...




As i am from Germany, i´m not a native english speaker. But I try to do my best:


I owned both X1 and X2 and I was very satisfied with the pictures. Now I own the X for a couple of days and don´t see any worse difference to X1/2. Only improvements in every case.


That the full size sensor of RX1 is better than many other cameras is no secret. But if I look to the comparison and see that even the LX100 and LX7 look sharper or equal then I feel that there is something wrong with the X results. Its the same good old APSC Sensor and the lens have to be better at f5,6 than the zoom lenses of the LX100 and the LX7.


So I had to ask myself some questions:


Is dprwview independent, what the finance basic?

Are requirements for tests the same?

Could it be possible that pictures were interchanged?

What were the basic presets of the cameras?

Which autofocus preset was used (Spot or 11-field)?

Is it a scientific like comparison and is it under a quality management?

Was the X and firmware from latest production or from pilot production?

Is it ok to take a standard Raw-development workflow for every camera? There are many possibilities to influence the results with that.


It would be great to see in that comparison also ooc-jpeg and not jpeg from the Raw development.


So you see that the results don´t have to be compareable. There are too many possibilities for mistakes. And think about the existing good reviews of Ming Thein and for picture quality also from Steve Huff.


But won´t think about if the result is correct…





Edited by bikedoll
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I wonder who designed the X 113's lens, and if they are aware of the controversy regarding the DPReview comparisons. I find it difficult to believe that a Leica-designed lens would perform as badly as that comparison makes it seem.


The test images I shot on the weekend had decent sharpness in the middle, although I did not shoot anything to test the sharpness across the frame. It is encouraging to hear from others that their experiences are very different.

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