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I have been trying to use TTL on my leica58 with the new m240 and 90 summicron. Most are overexposed. Going from 2.0 to 16 systematically the over exposure decreases normally until approximately correct exposure at 16. Using ISO 200 and 1/180. Any similar experiences yet?

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Welcome to the Forum and your first post. I don't know for sure, but it may be that it is not the flash, but ambient light that cause the overexposure. If you fix the shutter at 1/180 and gradually open the aparture from 16 towards 2.0 the image will be more and more exposed. Once you reach overexposure, there is nothing the flash can do to prevent it. Could you try again, but this time set the camera shutter speed to "A" and see if things improve?

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The M240 currently transmits the wrong focal length to the SF58. For example, a focal length of 90mm is transmitted instead of 50mm. This leads to an over-exposure. I spoke with Leica. They will fix the problem. Until then, you should set the focal length manually at SF 58.

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Thanks for your helpful feedback. I actually did a systematic test. It was in a naturally lit room with ambient exposure for ISO 200 of f4 and 1/8 second so there would be little natural contribution to add to the flash. The distance was about 2 meters so there would be no macro overload. I then went from 2.0 to 16 on the 90 mm summicron without flash, with flash TTL at Auto, and again with TTL at 1/180. Both TTL runs exhibited the same overexposure gradually getting better until f16 when the exposure seemed OK. This was repeated on my 21 mm 3.5 super-Elmar with the same results. As noted, ISO was fixed at 200. In my profession I am rather systematic so I guess this translated to this inquiry.

Any insights or suggestions for further tests would be appreciated.


I used the same flash and setting on my Leica X2 with no problems.

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This is not well known; But there are at least two versions of the SF-58..


When you switch the flash unit ON, what version number is displayed on the screen? In my experience there is something wrong with the very latest version (2.0) or the way M240 communicates with it. I don't know if it is the flash or the camera or both that is to blame.


You could try a RESET of the flash. With the unit on, press and hold the leftmost and then the rightmost buttons and hold them both in until the flash has completed its reset operation.

Edited by Hookeye
Added info..
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It is version 2.0. I had reset it in my trials. Unfortunately, the body is now with Leica who is trying to figure out the issue so I cannot perform any more tests until it is returned. Is this flash problem sufficient to bring to Leica's attention? They have been very helpful but have not got an answer.

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Is this flash problem sufficient to bring to Leica's attention?


Yes, I believe the problem is serious. Leica in Germany has been notified and they are investigating. I expect we'll hear from them before too long. My own brand new SF-58 is re packed in the box ready to be returned for a money-back claim, but I will wait and see if Leica says they will be able to fix it shortly.

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