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I can buy a Leicaflex SL MOT + motordrive (1973) + Summilux 50mm (1971), but the seller doesn't know what to ask for it. Items are in used condition.


He also want to sell a Hasselblad 500 cm with waist level finder (production year unknown) + Hasselblad Carl Zeiss Planar 80/2.8 (1971-1975). Both items are also in used condition.


What is an average price per item?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Paul

I had a Leicaflex SL MOT with motor at one point

then moved up to a Leicaflex SL2 MOT with motor

The SL2 MOT was a much better built camera

my lenses at the time were 19 2.8 elemarit (superb lens) 35 1.4, 50 F2, 90 2.8 and

180 2.8 (great lens)

The main problems with the SL MOT's

they are loud as hell and sound like a machine gun going off

I'm a news photographer (and was back then) you just could not use these. Instead of covering the news, you became the news with your loud SL//SL2 MOT's

Also, you have to hook up the motor to the body just right or you will jam the mechanism

again very heavy/loud equipment

If I were you I would just buy the SL2 MOT body. Very rugged camera and my favorite Leicaflex

You should really be able to talk this guy down in price because there is just no demand for that loud/heavy motor other than a collector

Again this is IMHO

good luck hope this comment helps

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  • 3 weeks later...

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