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Leica ME 90mm Macro Elmar M


Rhododendron maximum after a thunderstorm.


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Stuart, Tri and K-H thank you.

Bill, that must be quite a sight to see, and sounds like a marvelous time.

We only see scattered rhododendrons here as they are in the northernmost of their growing range,

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I'm going against the flow...I like the mono shot best.

The viewer can see the subtle detail of the flowers and not just...booof! it's pink, pink!

All are lovely though Karl! :)

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George, Ece and Dee, thank you for looking and the nice comments. Dee, I hope you get your M9 back soon although being "stuck" with " just" a MM is not really a terrible thing.

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George, Ece and Dee, thank you for looking and the nice comments. Dee, I hope you get your M9 back soon although being "stuck" with " just" a MM is not really a terrible thing.


Thanks Karl, there is no word of the M9's return as yet, as with all things

Leica; we wait. But I'm not too sad. It is truly winter here now and grey and

gloomy every day, no "colours" to shoot at all. You are right about the MM,

if I had to choose between my Leicas to be without for a prolonged period it

would not be the Monochrom!


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