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Today, while taking pictures at a street fair, on three occasions, when I went to review shots (the polite way of saying chimping), the images suddenly flipped forward like they were on a carousel, and when they stopped, I was looking at images taken, oh, six weeks ago. Each time, I had no control over what image I was looking at as the LCD displayed images in motion, finally stopping at about the 20th image taken on the SD card.


To answer anticipated questions: using a 16GB SanDisk Extreme card. It is the same card I had in the camera before it took its round trip visit to Solms for lug strap repairs. I did not reformat it when I got it back. All other elements of the camera seem to be working well, except that, yesterday and today, for the first time, the camera froze when I was attempting to take a picture. In fact, it happened just before the sequence described above. I had not had that happen once in 7 weeks of heavy use before the camera was shipped to Solms.


Everything calmed down after I resorted to familiar M8/M9 behavior: taking out the battery and the SD card.


Any thoughts on what this could have been? Any others have this happen?

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I had this happen once, where the images being displayed were all out of order then the camera locked up. I Removed the battery to reset and everything returned to normal. I had the camera lock up on several occasions, but only once did the display sequence "go crazy".

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Today, while taking pictures at a street fair, on three occasions, when I went to review shots (the polite way of saying chimping), the images suddenly flipped forward like they were on a carousel, and when they stopped, I was looking at images taken, oh, six weeks ago. Each time, I had no control over what image I was looking at as the LCD displayed images in motion, finally stopping at about the 20th image taken on the SD card.


To answer anticipated questions: using a 16GB SanDisk Extreme card. It is the same card I had in the camera before it took its round trip visit to Solms for lug strap repairs. I did not reformat it when I got it back. All other elements of the camera seem to be working well, except that, yesterday and today, for the first time, the camera froze when I was attempting to take a picture. In fact, it happened just before the sequence described above. I had not had that happen once in 7 weeks of heavy use before the camera was shipped to Solms.


Everything calmed down after I resorted to familiar M8/M9 behavior: taking out the battery and the SD card.


Any thoughts on what this could have been? Any others have this happen?



Don't chimp while the camera is still storing images.

That was one way in the early days of the M9 to prevent it from corrupting the file system of the memory card.

I don't have my M240 yet but it appears Leica carried this feature over from the M9. :eek:

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John, did you try to format your card through SDFormatter? Just asking as my 16GB Sandisk was significantly slower than the others out of the box and behaves normally after formatting through SDF.

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I cannot recommend SDFormatter highly enough. Older cards which were complete dogs on the M-240 before formatting, are now fully useable with very short startup time and fully acceptable write times. Leica REALLY ought to write to all owners and send them the link to this free and invaluable utility. For those who haven't got it, I give the link here.


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Thanks for the tip on SDFormatter. And no, I didn't chimp when the images were being stored -- this happened two or three minutes after taking the picture.


Ok, having believed the M was free of any and all quirks associated with my M8s and M9, I will now know better: it's still a Leica :-)

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