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Got LR with my M9 7 months ago. I activated it with the serial provided. There is now a fully functioning copy on one computer. I also went to Adobe and upgraded to the current version at the same time. One must conclude Leica`s download file is not kept up to date.


Ok so now I have a new computer and want to install LR and definitely do not want to go back to Leica first because it is a old version and secondly it is a nightmare place. Now I know why camera firmware is such a kludge.


Ok so I go to Adobe and download which comes as free trial. I tried to use the old serial to register and it does not work. Phone to adobe and they have no record of that serial or me even having LR, yet I have a fully functioning copy . They were ready to give up when I suggest there must be some place where the serial is displayed on my computer. I was directed to the help menu and found it. The man at Adobe registered it for me and I activated the second copy with the same number.


Two pieces of advice. Leica furnished serial does not make it to Adobe for whatever reason so do it yourself. And keep a list of all the serials in several safe places.



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