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At my favorite local cemetery. Canon 60D + 60 R macro-elmarit.

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A fine shot with the composition, sharpness and colors. Also, it must have taken great patience.




Thank you everyone. Paul, indeed, patience and multiple mosquito bites.

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Tri, if you feel so inclined, you might consider submitting the photo to a field guide series like Butterfly's and Moth's of NA. I did a series of a Luna Moth I caught in Macro, submitted them for a photo assignment and then a guide and they are in at least one text I know of. Just a thought, but it's nice to share.

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Tri, if you feel so inclined, you might consider submitting the photo to a field guide series like Butterfly's and Moth's of NA. I did a series of a Luna Moth I caught in Macro, submitted them for a photo assignment and then a guide and they are in at least one text I know of. Just a thought, but it's nice to share.




That is such a high complement. I am not so sure my photo is good enough. The nature shooters out there are way too good.

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That is such a high complement. I am not so sure my photo is good enough. The nature shooters out there are way too good.


Tri, nonsense.


Check here for a start.http://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/



Tri -


Excellent. BTW: I believe it's a moth.


Probably a butterfly in the skipper genus (pyrgus), I think.




Looks very mothy though :)

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