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A question for Nocti f/1.0 users. I recently picked up a Nocti f/1.0 Version 4 which had a recent CLA by DAG. I chose the f/1.0 for same reasons as others, for the rendering of this lens at f/1.0. I understand that it is not sharp wide open. My question is how soft should it be at f/1.0?


From my test shot at 1:1 below, does the sharpness seem normal or could there be an issue with this copy wide open? Stopped down to f/1.4 or higher, resolution and contrast improves. It is only af f/1.0 which seems somewhat soft to me and wanted some feedback from others who have this lens.





@ f/1.0 1m distance



1:1 crop from LR4



Sample shots at f/1.0, f/1.4





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Thanks Pete. Looks like I'll keep the lens and use it. Another friend who has a V4 also chimed in and said it looks about right for wide open.



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I have the v3 and this looks about right.

Also remember that this is a relatively low contrast lens, especially wide open.


Repeat the test with the lens stopped down to f2.8-4and see how the contrast & sharpness improves



Edited by MarkP
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Repeat the test with the lens stopped down to f2.8-4and see how the contrast & sharpness improves




Thanks Mark, and yes, agreed past f/2 contrast and sharpness improves. Even at f/1.4 I find the signature changes. What is quite remarkable to me is that although there is some mild focus shift from f/2.8 to f/5.6 when shot on a test chart, I really can't tell at all in real shooting situations. Quite an optical marvel for a 1970s design? Am definitely keeping this lens.









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Nicely demonstrated.


Yes it is much better even by f1.4 and as I rarely shoot wide open I don't have the problem you've demonstrated at f1.0.


I love the overall rendering of this lens at all f-stops but don't like the zero-depth-of field-look or the very strong vignetting seen at 1.0 look so I tend to shoot at ≤f1.4.


Enjoy the lens.

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As others have mentioned, your copy looks fine. Welcome to the world of the Noctilux! It is a special lens, one that truly brings a different look, a unique palette. The softness you observe at f1 is rather compensated for by an ethereal glow.


Own the Night


A couple years ago I mounted mine to my M9 in January and didn't remove it until June. It remains one of my favorite pieces of glass.



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Nice review Tim. I very much agree with most of what you wrote (especially about it's use at smaller apertures) but depending on the subject, distortion can be more than a minor issue. These three images have NOT been corrected here. I don't have the corrected ones here to post but required more sophisticated local correction in Photoshop:



I agree that the 1.0/50 Noctilux is very underrated by many as a more general purpose lens. There are those only use it at f1.0 but I rarely use it at 1.0. This thread is quite useful (see my post - #8)

http://www.l-camera-forum.com/leica-forum/leica-m-lenses/252840-50mm-noctilux-f1-0-a.html (Post #8)

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Thanks Bill.


I very much agree with most of what Tim wrote (especially about it's use at smaller apertures), but depending on the subject, distortion can be more than a minor issue. These three images have NOT been corrected for distortion. I don't have the corrected ones at hand to post but they required much more sophisticated local correction in Photoshop than could be achieved by the global distortion sliders in LR:



I agree that the 1.0/50 Noctilux is very underrated by many as a more general purpose lens. There are those only use it at f1.0, but I rarely use it above 1.4. I love the Bokeh but not the razor thin DOF. Even in the dark I try not to go above 1.4 unless I have to. This thread is quite useful (incl my post - #8)


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I agree that the 1.0/50 Noctilux is very underrated by many as a more general purpose lens. There are those only use it at f1.0, but I rarely use it above 1.4. I love the Bokeh but not the razor thin DOF. Even in the dark I try not to go above 1.4 unless I have to. This thread is quite useful (incl my post - #8)




stunning pictures in that post of yours !

I do not own or even thought about that 1/50 Noctilux. Just had visited Tim's site the day before and remembered his work, so put up this hint.

Now I keep the Noctilux in the back of my head, really seems to be worth a thought...

My wallet already tries to hide in the depth of the coat....:)

Thanks for posting.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Michael.


I have a cheapish :p Feisol traveler tripod and a PhotoClam ball head..


I believe I pulled out the built in hood on those shots, no UV filter attached. I find this lens quite flare resistant as others have mentioned elsewhere.



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Nicely demonstrated.


Yes it is much better even by f1.4 and as I rarely shoot wide open I don't have the problem you've demonstrated at f1.0.


mark: why would you buy the Noctilux if you don't shoot at F1? Wouldn't a Summilux be a better choice then?

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