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I am keen to understand from forum members the pros and cons of on each of the firmware upgrades for the M9 and M9-P i.e. the latest firmware 1.196 and earlier ones like 1.176 and 1.162.


I understand that both the recent two are stable and that 1.196 has introduces a few improvements. However are we losing something in the process of upgrading. I am reading for several posts that earlier releases were preferred in some instances e.g. buffer management, lens profiles that work better on 3rd party lens etc.



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mine is still on 1.176. i don't feel that the 'improvement' of the new firmware is required for how i use the camera, so i'm content. the 1.196 does give better buffer management and some update on lens profile(though some said it actually worsen some of the 3rd party wide angle lens, make sense, since Leica would want to optimize their own lens...and not 3rd party ones) but i think you gain the freeze up problem in discreet mode on the 1.196 though.

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Ramesh, when you post a thread with the title, "Firmware releases M9 and M9-P" people naturally assume that you have some new information regarding same, which is probably why this thread has so many views and so few responses. Perhaps a better title would have been, "Advantages and/or problems with past M9 firmware releases" or something similar.

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I reverted to 1.162 at one point. Then my M9 had to visit Solms for repair and upgrade. It came back with 1.196.


So far (2 months) it has operated faultlessly. I have only used 'Discreet' for one gig, during which it was fine. Until otherwise, I will leave 1.196 installed.


If anyone wants or needs earlier F/W, I have copies of most of them. PM me with your email address and I will send your preferred version to you.

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When 1.196 released my upgraded M9 felt sluggish when shooting a sequence of pictures in single shot mode. Reverting back to 1.162 restored the speed I had remembered.

A recent trip to Leica returned the camera with 1.196 and again the sluggishness returned. The camera has been downgraded to 1.162 and again the speed has returned. Between the first use of 1.196 and the second use I changed my card to a Samsung 32gb that has faster write times with 1.162, I am not sure what effect it had with 1.196. I haven't had any card issues with any firmware changes.

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Hi Darylgo. I am on 1.196. I usually don't fill the card and replace when I am nearing full. However, when my memory card (16GB Sandisk) nears 80-90% full, the camera sometimes hangs, requiring a battery removal to off. Is this something which you are also experiencing?

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Hi Darylgo. I am on 1.196. I usually don't fill the card and replace when I am nearing full. However, when my memory card (16GB Sandisk) nears 80-90% full, the camera sometimes hangs, requiring a battery removal to off. Is this something which you are also experiencing?


Hi Ramchand,

Rarely have I filled a card to 80-90% but my camera hangs occasionally as does my other cameras and backs. I don't know what the causes are but I breath a sigh of relief when it comes back to life.;)

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