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and perhaps, not a good one, but it may be!



I can’t remember if this has already been raised and if it has forgive me, but with the advent of video on the new M is it time for the Forum to have a Video Section?


Is this desirable or indeed even possible. I’m not suggesting weddings, christenings, family events or people falling off trampolines but perhaps short (no more than 2-3 minutes) documentary, reportage or perhaps travel videos.


I don't have an M yet, but there are a lot of talented people on this Forum who I'm sure will be able to post some very interesting stuff.


Just a thought :rolleyes:

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I'm very interested in video and I'm sure forum members have lots of knowledge about the subject that would be useful to neophytes like myself .


If we could not post videos to the Leica Forum directly....

we could post links to videos!

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Surely there's nothing to stop you doing that now, from Vimto, Pootoob etc?


The fact that we appear not to be overwhelmed with such links thus far speaks volumes for the pent up need for an M with a video capability that the 240 tapped in to... :rolleyes:






Sent from another Galaxy

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As long as there is not a sign of the in the latest LFI promised results of a test at the LFI-online site, I guess the moderators will not start this. Very unpleasant these start-up problems with important Leica innovations, which seem to become a habit of the firm.

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Surely there's nothing to stop you doing that now, from Vimto, Pootoob etc?


The fact that we appear not to be overwhelmed with such links thus far speaks volumes for the pent up need for an M with a video capability that the 240 tapped in to... :rolleyes:






Sent from another Galaxy


Ah Bill, wait until the next version is released, then we will have all the 'unboxing' videos to watch, with glorious Noctilux bokeh.

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  • 4 months later...
. . . . with the advent of video on the new M is it time for the Forum to have a Video Section?


Bob doesn’t seem to have had a reply to his suggestion.


Leica-branded cameras have had video capability for years and now Leica-made X and M cameras also have it. We can post and discuss still photos without having to link to an offsite gallery. Why not make provision for posting videos here now that the capability is built into Leica’s latest models? Leica has taken the plunge. What’s stopping this forum from keeping pace with Leica?


Are the obstacles practical or conceptual? Either way, I think the suggestion warrants being considered and responded to properly.

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Perhaps the lack of response can be seen as an answer in itself. There doesn't seem to be the interest for it.


Most if not all of us here are primarily photographers. I think photography and cinematography are two completely different mediums, and I also think it takes a lot more skill to make a video that's worth watching. Just have a quick look at a few random You Tube videos if you're not sure.

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