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Interesting site. Wonder how it will compare with others like 500px?


Perhaps they'll ban HDR?


At first glance it doesn't seem to have any similarity to 500px.


Can't say I'm keen on 'pay to play' photo competitions.

Edited by stunsworth
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ishotit is nothing like 500px. it is website devoted to paid monthly photo competitions. i entered a couple of photos in the last B&W competition because they were giving away a Monochrom...but i didn't win. lol :)

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The judges seem to consist entirely of photographers (including one or two faces that have popped up here) rather than publishing professionals, art editors and curators. My advice would be to steer well clear but I dare say it is the kind of website that appeals to the social networking generation.

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Tis true, photographers shouldn't be trusted as judges. There may be a few who can put prejudice aside, but I would guess if you want to seriously have a go at winning any of these competitions you'd be better off learning the styles, techniques and preferences of the judges before pressing the shutter. As it stands it looks like an expensive to enter lottery. I'm sure it will work as a concept, the greed for a cash prize and a camera is always going to draw a good number of entrants, but I think this game show type of 'competition' is more about exploiting a photographers ego than discovering something worthwhile about photography.



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Winners receive cash and a Leica camera. Guess who sells Leica cameras to the company running the I Shot It platform;) Smart business ideas, both, the platform itself and Leica`s main shareholders decision to take an equity stake in I shot it.

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