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and beautiful insect that must be protected absolutely , necessary for our life

photo uncropped and no flash


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Leicaflex SL + Fuji Velvia 50 film

extension tube+ 135mm Elmarit + Monopod


Thanks for looking


Edited by Doc Henry
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Sorry for not having answered before, I just finished a exhausting night guard

Thank you to Albert, Dhoki, FrançoisF, MPerson, Orient X1,Platypus for watching :)


Henry, very impressive use of equipment to capture this shot. Beautiful muted background. Thanks for sharing.

Yes Karl , equipment a little heavy and bulky but the result is correct


Henry,Great composition, colors, sharpness and timing.Paul

Paul, I visited this garden dedicated to medicinal plants in August and I must tell that there are many bees and butterflies to capture them but it is not easy, it moves all the time


Oh that Velvia!...Doc, you are killing me. This is so sweet, so gorgeous, so captivating.Ece

Ece Velvia is one of my favorite slides , especially when projected on the big screen with a projector like Pradovit (natural color) . It’s gorgeous as Kodachrome 64

this color is found a little in the Kodak Portra 400 or 160 and even M9 and M8 gives colors slightly like that too.

Another picture for you


what kind of flapping....in Germany there is a saying: "und es hat suuuuumm gemacht..."

Ingrid , I will repeat 10 times …. "suuuuumm gemacht,suuuuumm gemacht,suuuuumm gemacht…"

Thanks for watching and comment .



Very nice.

Thank you Stuart to take time to comment


So nice. Just enough motion to the wings to give the image life.

Bill, I found another photo but less balanced than the first photo but I like

I did not want to throw it because the bee is blurred

violet flower is sharper but blurred bee

Your opinion?


merveilleux; merci

Merci Guenther pour le gentil commentaire



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Picture uncropped and no flash , but with tripod

Unprocessed by photo software

Leicaflex SL + Fuji Velvia 50 film

extension tube+ 135mm Elmarit



Edited by Doc Henry
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Hello Henry,


Nice photo.


You are right about bees.


The Worldwide disappearance of bees of all species is a visible symptom of the general decline of the World's Ecology as a factor of: The industrial pollution. The destruction of habitat. The increasingly invasive nature of the industrialization of agriculture. The more toxic insecticides. And more.


Best Regards,



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Hello Henry,


Nice photo.

You are right about bees.

The Worldwide disappearance of bees of all species is a visible symptom of the general decline of the World's Ecology as a factor of: The industrial pollution. The destruction of habitat. The increasingly invasive nature of the industrialization of agriculture. The more toxic insecticides. And more.

Best Regards,


Michael thank you for your fair comment and you are right about this big problem of pesticides that we breathe and the bees also breathe.

Yes in France and in Europe we have a serious problem due to the use of pesticides such as Gaucho from Bayer.Bees died in thousands. A real disaster of nature :mad:

These bees also lose the sense of direction and can no longer find their hives starting. This is a neurotoxic poison and as a neurologist I understand why.

Kind regards




I still find the first image best. The second image has less focus and seems to draw more attention to the flower. You have created an interesting project for yourself. Looking forward to seeing more images like these.

Guenther thank you for your answer.

Apart the bee that is the main subject of the photo, I admit that I missed the frame but I take into account your remarks in the future



Edited by Doc Henry
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+1! So painterly, Doc.

the macro pictures is a little bit of luck

expected, expected ..... and then suddenly a bee passes and there must shoot fast, very fast ... and that's what happened to me

Tri thank you for the nice comment



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Hello Henry,


Challenge is part of the fun. Success under less than optimal circumstances is part of the pleasure.


Challenge is part of what makes taking a poperly expose, focussed & composed slide so much more satisfying than capturing an image other ways.


No manipulation after you release the shutter.


Best Regards,



Edited by Michael Geschlecht
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