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I found horizontal and vertical line on my M240, if I enlarge on Lichtroom 2:1.

My M240 was send back for service due to the strap eyelets issue; during the service I informed Leica about the lines and after received back my M240, I tested again and still find the lines as before.


My question: is this issue also found on all M240?


I attached the picture of the lines on my M240.



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Hello DidiNjoo


You seem to have forgotten to attach the image however I can provide you with an image from another M240 with several vertical lines visible. Is this what they look like?

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By the amount of color noise, I guess very high ISO and perhaps they are acceptable to Leica.


The key would be if they show at 200, in which case they need to be mapped out.


There is a nice healing tool in photoshop. You can write an action to automate it. Still learning Lightroom, so far no impressed.

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There is a nice healing tool in photoshop. You can write an action to automate it. Still learning Lightroom, so far no impressed.


Some don't get along with LR; I'm the opposite, using PS very little now. One thing is for sure, though, LR improves with every iteration, with LR4 significantly improved both global and local controls, including color and luminance noise reduction. LR 5 beta has an 'advanced healing brush' that seems promising.


But, either way, there are choices for everyone.



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Yes I use Lightroom too but unfortunately this is about lines on the sensor. The shot was at 2000 ISO but doesn't appear at 1250 ISO. M9 is good enough at 1250 ISO...

Edited by bybrett
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Yes I use Lightroom too but unfortunately this is about lines on the sensor. The shot was at 2000 ISO but doesn't appear at 1250 ISO. M9 is good enough at 1250 ISO...


That is a lot of really ugly noise for a 2012-era CMOS sensor @ ISO 2k.

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Maybe this could be the reason why no further M's are delivered at the moment.


This issue with the lugs is handled by Leica Customer Care which is even in another building, so I do not believe that this is causing the delay.



John (ex M240 owner)

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I uploaded the attachment twice, but unsuccessful.

Anyway, lines across the pictures are not acceptable for any cameras, especially M240. In the last 2 years I collected 6 M-lenses and 6 R-lenses and awaiting for M10 to come. I bought the first M240 that arrived in Singapore together with Summicron 35. I was happy using it 2 weeks on my holidays in New York, but after I received my Dell U2713H, my joy was gone seeing the lines crossing the NY cloud/sky that I took from the Rockefeller Tower.

While awaiting for "M10" to come, I bought Fuji X PRO 1 and I have no lines on my pictures and cost 1/5 of my M240.

I can only hope that Leica technician will solve this problem and keep Leica reputation as it should be; otherwise I have to use my Fuji again.:(





PS: I did attached the picture again, but it seems it doesn't upload correctly.:mad:

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Hello DidiNjoo


You seem to have forgotten to attach the image however I can provide you with an image from another M240 with several vertical lines visible. Is this what they look like?



The lines: one horizontal gray line located about 1/5 from the top and the second line is a vertical "white" line that meet the horizontal line in the middle, "T" form, the vertical line stop at the horizontal line. It can be seen clearly on all sky pictures (clear or cloudy) or on pictures with even light back ground.



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I also experienced vertical lines (sometimes two or three) in M240 images, but only at high ISO (above 3200) or if the shadows were pulled significantly. I was very worried at first thinking I had a sensor failure, but then realized the lines never reappeared in the same place. As the noise was incredibly ugly anyway I just adopted the routine to limit my exposures to ISO3200 and to make sure that I nailed exposure.

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The lines: one horizontal gray line located about 1/5 from the top and the second line is a vertical "white" line that meet the horizontal line in the middle, "T" form, the vertical line stop at the horizontal line. It can be seen clearly on all sky pictures (clear or cloudy) or on pictures with even light back ground.



A description does not replace an example, I fear.
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