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Hello Everybody,


after more than a month of inactivity on the forum (I'm starting my new job as a professional photographer), I'm back with some shots I took at the Tate Modern on a recent visit. While it's always a pleasure seeing other artists' work, this time I was more intrigued by the people looking at the artwork.


The pictures were taken on an M6 + Summicron 50mm f/2, loaded with Ilford FP4+ developed in Rodinal 1+25. I hope you enjoy the shots!




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Down the escalator


Waiting nr.2 (accepted as a LFI Mastershot)


Self-portrait nr.1


What am I looking at? nr.2 part 1


Admiring the view nr.2

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Very nice series and proof that sometimes the best subject is not the obvious one. For example, people seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time rather than pictures of just the canyon itself.

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Very nice series and proof that sometimes the best subject is not the obvious one. For example, people seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time rather than pictures of just the canyon itself.

Thank you Karl! I felt inspired by the location and the people around me, so I couldn't miss the occasion of taking some shots.


Nice, very nice!


Please allow me to add an impression of the exterior. [...]

Thanks LucisPictor! Love your picture, very spooky!

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