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Some of my neighbors are real animals!

This coyote is feeding her pups with the neighborhood chickens.

You can't blame her for taking care of her own.

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What a dog! Nice capture of what can be a very shy animal. They certainly are around here. We only see them a couple of times a year, at a distance, moving quickly. Hear them most nights though.

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Great image! Love the color against that luscious green.


I love coyotes. We have quite a few in my neighborhood. Some days you can see them standing on top of a hill watching the sunset (like a story book picture).

And at night, they drive our dog crazy with their arias! :D



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Fine results of a difficult shot. I find the coyote a rather interesting animal. I seen one running free in a nature preserve a few years ago and could only marvel about the animal. I always liked the Road-Runner coyote in the cartoons. (He always took a beating).



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Hi Bill, love the Coyote quite a smart animal. At one time I use to hunt them in CA and was always amassed how they could pick up the glare of a rifle scope at 300 or more yards. I haven't hunted them in years and if the opportunity came, would turn it down. This one looks real healthy especially if your neighbors feed them their chickens:D


Best regards


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Bill -




In one location in Death Valley they are not at all shy, probasbly due to tourists feeding them form their cars. Outside of Joshua Tree NP one can see them fairly close nearly every early morning.

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Yes, I recall one circling the wheat to see what emerged as the uncut area grew smaller and smaller when riding a combine in the Palouse (Washington State). Seemed rather wary, but the driver and his family were known to be trigger happy with regard to predators on their land.

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They get a little trigger happy in my area also. I can understand people not wanting their chickens or cats taken by a coyote but it's easy enough to fence in the chickens and bring the cat in at night. Barn cats, that's a different matter. Having horses, I get a little nervous when I hear a gunshot near by.

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