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Photo taken at the demonstration against austerity in Paris (May 5th 2013)

"hum , it smells good" told the man on the right :D

red color makes you hungry


Leica R8 + Elmar 70 + New Kodak Portra 160

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Edited by Doc Henry
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and you can also find a phrygian cap


M8 Summilux 35 asph


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Hello Everybody,


Nice photos Henry.


What is the logical mis-match that anyone sees with eating reasonably & using modern technology while pointing out the deficiencies in the systems that effects people's lives?


It sounds like some people are saying: People who think digital photography needs improving should only use film.


Best Regards,



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I wonder how many protesting the banks and the power of money stopped at an ATM machine to get some cash to buy some food? :)

Karl, in order to eat, you must have money and when you do not win enough,

how ? it is a little sense of this demonstration :)


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Only in France do gourmets protest against austerity... :rolleyes:



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Bill but especially when you have nothing to eat that you protest harder, we have almost 10% unemployment :D

Best regards


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Hello Everybody,

Nice photos Henry.

What is the logical mis-match that anyone sees with eating reasonably & using modern technology while pointing out the deficiencies in the systems that effects people's lives?

It sounds like some people are saying: People who think digital photography needs improving should only use film.

Best Regards,


Hi Michael thanks for your nice comments :)...this is a long time . I deliberately put a film picture with a photo of M8 because I use more and more film

For me the colors of the Kodak Portra are really natural and people's face (edge face) are not smooth :)

Kind regards



..... interview of a young protester by television

R8 + Elmar + Kodak Portra 160 film

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This is excellent reportage work with terrific images. It's ironic that when the financial system was spinning out of control, no one thought of imposing "austerity."


Love that Portra, btw.



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This is excellent reportage work with terrific images. It's ironic that when the financial system was spinning out of control, no one thought of imposing "austerity."


Love that Portra, btw.



Thank you Ece

.....and last two pictures with Kodak Portra 160 for Ece of this demonstration against the austerity policy , which gathered anyway more than 100,000 people

(140,000 exactly) from all over France


Picture 1 :Preparing the parade : the color red is the color of the revolution and the labor movement.

The color of the skin of the woman protester is quite natural,without any treatment by photo software


Picture 2 (in contre_jour) : a protester in front of the "Place de la Bastille" Opera Paris

On the red banner is written :

-PCF means French Communist Party

-"The Left Front" ("Front de Gauche") opposed to "National Front" of the racist extreme right


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Edited by Doc Henry
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