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Hi All,


I have a Summilux 35mm pre-fle Asph. that suffered from backfocus at all apertures on my M9, that are spot on with a number of other lenses that I own or tried.


I sent the lens to Will van Manen in Netherlands to have it adjusted. It came back more or less the same. I should add that this is NOT a rant against Van Manen that seem competent and honest.

What I need is some advice on whether to dump the lens or try further options first.


Van Maanen has explained that they adjust focus on the lens on a collimator , only at infinity.

Therefore I think, that when the lens obviously back-focus at close distance (and given the assumption that the camera isnt mis-adjusted) the only explanation is that the focus helical or other mechanical part has wear, that causes this.


I have seen some posts about this lens before that indicates that this could be a fault of the black aluminium Summilux 35 asph (that is the model I own) and that the silver brass models were better.


I know about the "focus shift" issue with this lens, but this is not a problem at this time, as the lens is back-focussing at all apertures.


I would like some suggestions on how to proceed .. Van Manen has offered me to send all lenses and camera in, but I hesitate because he keeps saying that adjustments will be done on individual parts, which of course (in general) is a very sane way of doing it - but IMO doesnt take into account physical wear to the focus mechanism on an individual lens.

Would Leica in Solms be able to diagnose if the lens maybe need a new focus helical or whatever ? Maybe perform a better "system aware" calibration ?


PS: I have heard that DAG can perform "magic" with this lens, but I am Europe and it would be a major hassle if not impossible to have the lens repaired in USA.

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Sounds like there is something wrong with the helicoid, which is beyond the scope of an independent like Will. I would advise consulting Leica.

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My understanding is that any adjustments or measurements include close distances. There is focus shift on this lens, but it was manageable and les than the 50 Summlux pre asph. I like both lenses and personally have them set correct wide open.

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It backfocus just slightly at closer distances. I guess it could be discussed how bad it is, as it is mostly visible upon close inspection at 100%, since it seems to be at the very edge of the sharp zone - at really short distances, the point of focus is just short of the DOF though - a problem for portraits, since I tend to focus on the closest eye.


Result is that the eye itself is reasonably sharp, but not as sharp as the far eye. And anything closer than the eye, such as eyebrow and eyelashes get blurred.


At longer distances it is harder to judge, it seems to be no problem, although I suspect that the sharpest point is still somewhat further away, than what I focussed on.


I will follow the suggestion to send it to Solms.

I think I will ship the M9 and all lenses with it, just in case its the M9 and my other lenses that are off :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I now have the lens and M9 back from Solms. I paid for "fast service" (one week in Solms, since I have tried before waiting for almost two months to get my Things back).


What I have received back are a lens and camera that are adjusted PERFECTLY.

I usually dont perform lens testing, unless I feel that something is off, but at all distances and all apertures I am very happy now. Whatever focus shift this lens has "by design" is not a problem for me.

The lens has received CLA as well, and the feel of the focus ring is definately improved.

The camera as a free extra, came back looking brand new and with a perferctly clean sensor.

It was expensive - yes - but it was well worth it. Thanks for the advice.

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