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My M9 has been to Solms 3 times for bad pixel (that made a strong line accross picture at ISO above 320, clearly visible).


Last week it happened again, now 2 bad pixels, 2 lines.


My M9 was bought in April 2010. It now has 26000 shots. Serial nr 3841620.


Anyone else with similiar reoccuring bad pixel problems?


Should Leica replace sensor?

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You appear to be quite unlucky. Four times is rather frustrating.


As to sensor change, there is a level of remapping that will make the changing of the sensor needed. Leica will do that automatically when it exceeds its tolerance. Which does not appear to have happened in your case (yet:()

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I see. Thanks Jaapv for your answer.


Perhaps I should send it out on an airplane vaccation around the globe a few times and hope for cosmic radiation to take care of that :-)


Well, I hope Leica at least will fix it on good will, they did last time. But the pain is being without the camera for 5 weeks... Its a dear friend, missed when gone.



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My M9 has been to Solms 3 times for bad pixel (that made a strong line accross picture at ISO above 320, clearly visible).


Last week it happened again, now 2 bad pixels, 2 lines.


My M9 was bought in April 2010. It now has 26000 shots. Serial nr 3841620.


Anyone else with similiar reoccuring bad pixel problems?


Should Leica replace sensor?



Of course, yes!

I would insist on that.

Maybe they need to replace other components as well.

Or replace the entire camera.

Good luck.

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It was a joke... Did not realize there were people on this forum that did not have humor. Why so uptight dear Leica brothers?




PS. Just sent it off to Solms hoping for their good will.


Have a nice summer!

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