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For the wiki I've been searching for an image of 16568 UEOOK and found this add:


MIL ANUNCIOS.COM - Leica fuelle para Visoflex


My question is: which is the UEOOK and what are the others?

Thanks, Tim

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UOOYW at left, UOOVH at center (UOOYW+UOOVH = UOOST), UZEOO shade at right and UXOOR bellows in background: apart UZEOO, which was an addon accessory, the other items wer part of the UXOOR-HE kit.

It has been sold at a very good price (for the buyer)

Edited by luigi bertolotti
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OK after rotating 180 and sharpening, I can just make out 16568T Ernst Leitz. Too bad it's such a sorry image. It will do until someone finds a better one. Thanks,


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Now all we need is a 14071 focusing mount for Elmar 1:4 / 135mm

image. Does anyone have one?


ZOOAN is more common ;)...and almost identical, but with the "4,5" in the DOF scale... anyway this is a 14071 :

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Tim, given that seems you are "maintaining" the Wiki... could you correct some wrong pictures ? It's a fine part of our forum and is a pity to have some misleading pictures (I tried to do, but clearly haven't followed correctly the instructions, and didn't suceed... :o)


Some examples :


Visoflex lenses : Telyt 560 5,6 (wrong picture) and Telyt 280 III (not "right" picture)


M lenses : Hologon 15 (one pic is a Hologon 16 for Contax - another lens which wasn't listed by Leica) ; Summicron 90 (mismatching between ver. I and II... ver II depicts a very early SOOZI ) ; Super Angulons (not wrong photos... but, curiosly, the protruding back part of the lenses are "cut"....)

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