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I'm planning some Leica portraiture and need to rejuvenate a 20 year old 1.3m square Lastolite Apollo softbox which has a slightly yellowed front diffuser panel. I have tried using ladies underwear whitener on a test piece but it had no effect. I do not wish to use domestic bleach. Has anyone safely succeeded in whitening similar man made fabric?


As a last resort will sew two shower curtains together and attach to the softbox but would be easier to use the original panel.


Thanks for reading.



Edited by dkpeterborough
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Is there anywhere on the product a label which states the material the diffuser is made of? Have you tried asking a dry cleaner's? Can you handle the cast in PP?

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Hydrogen Peroxide works quite well as a whitening agent which is far less destructive than bleach. Worse case scenario, you will end up replacing the diffusion front panel which is really where you are starting.

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Is there anywhere on the product a label which states the material the diffuser is made of? Have you tried asking a dry cleaner's? Can you handle the cast in PP?


Yes I could try a dry cleaner ... There is no label indicating the type of fabric used ... and the particular softbox is no longer available.


I could take a custom white balance or adjust via PP - but prefer to use a white diffuser


I'll also investigate hydrogen peroxide bleaching. I also have an even older Lastolite conical light tent which needs whitening - this also failed to whiten in the underwear whitener.


Best wishes



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This morning the diffuser fabric was laundered in the washing machine on 'Easy Care' cycle using regular detergent plus 250ml of vinegar and 125g of baking soda. After drying in sunshine the diffuser is white and usable - now have to decide whether to sew the fabric back onto one side of the softbox from whence it was unpicked (the other three sides are attached via Velcro) - or re-attach using Velcro tapes - latter is easier as Velco tapes are self-adhesive. Thus the 20 year old softbox should soon be usable.


Now I'm contemplating making some reflectors to use in conjunction with the soft box. I do not necessarily need foldable/collapsible reflectors so will cut some art board to size (eg Daler board) and cover with uncrumpled kitchen foil - stuck on with cow gum - using the matt side of the uncrumpled foil as the reflecting surface. Regular white card will also be used as a reflecting surface. The reflectors should cost less than £7 each to make.


On Tuesday a secondhand Norman 400B portable studio flash arrives which should fit inside the soft box. No speedring is required as the flash will attach to the central umbrella pole - with the flash facing backwards. By judicious use of three reflectors - plus the softbox above and in front of my model - I hope to get some results. In effect a poor man's 'Triflector' arrangement.


Best wishes



Edited by dkpeterborough
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