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I had a Nocti 1,2 about 30 years ago (for 1 year only)... :o and it hadn't its precious 12503 hood, which is divisible to accomodate the series VIII filters. It IS a problem not easy to solve... I checked easily , for instance, that the XOOIM hood for Summilux does not fit... and there is not (iirc) a front thread to accomodate some universal hood... I roughly found the way to fit inside a no name rubber hood... only to discover that its plastic mount obtruded a part of the front lens light path.


Thinking now at... there can be maybe 2 solutions for the hood :


- A universal (like this, for instance : http://www.promaster.biz/products.asp?product=RUBBERHOOD) in the 62 size (or maybe even 58 ? check the diameter...), manually SHIMMED in its inner diameter so that it can "slip" on the front : with due care on choosing the right strips of material, one, I think, can find a decent solution to mount it rather firmly (and, of course, without DAMAGING the precious Noctilux ! ;))

No way to accomodate decently a filter, I think.


- A professional universal system like this : The LEE Camera Filters System - Includes Filter Holders, Adaptor Rings and Lens Hoods

which probably can be assembled to fit the Noctilux (to be checked) : of course, I suppose it gives significant problems of viewfinder obtrusion... :o , which, together with its intrinsic complexity, limits it to studio usage. But it solves also the filter issue.


Finally, NOW you can find a 12503 on ebay, for cheap...:DLeica 12503 Hood for 50/1.2 Noctilux ....... Extremely Rare!!/MINT | eBay

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  • 2 weeks later...

Luigi, thank you for your answer !

I was looking for a smaller/compact hood but certainly it is best and wise to use the original one then. Fortunately, I have it too... ouf ! :D

I can't believe how much they price this accessory. :)

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Luigi, thank you for your answer !

I was looking for a smaller/compact hood but certainly it is best and wise to use the original one then. Fortunately, I have it too... ouf ! :D

I can't believe how much they price this accessory. :)


Sell it... apparently, with the cash you can earn, you can buy some excellent new lens and keep also some $ in your pocket... :D

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By the way, does someone know why the hood can be unscrewed in 3 parts ?

The hood can be unscrewed to put a serie VIII filter between the retaining ring but that part can also be unscrewed from the part that clips on the front of the lens.


Was it to have the possibility to use another kind/size of filter retaining ring or screw another hood "head" ?

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Hello Ginko,


Welcome to the Forum.


Perhaps your lens hood unscrews in the back because it might share that rear component with another lens hood for another lens such as a 11103, 21mm Super Angulon or a 11801, 28mm Elmarit that also take the A-52.5 lens cap 14102.


Best Regards,



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