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The lens Telyt 4,8 / 400mm lens was planned as THE sport lens of the time ...


Of that prototype lens, there were 4 pices that were awarded to sports photographers ... including Max Mühlberger (he took the pictures of the Munich '72 Olympic posters) and Fred Joch ... the lenses were recollected at the Photokina 1972 for presentations .... Max Mühlberger and Fred Joch drove together to the Photokina to pick up the lenses after the Photokina '72 .... but the car crashed at the way home, and Mühlberger died and both lenses were badly damaged, the Elements had burst.


The lenses were later repaired.

The lens was never built in series .....


If I counted correctly, there were 7 elements in that lens...

The number of the Lensens were 0001196, 0001197, 0001198, 0001199....of the accident 0001197, 0001196.....


Does anyone have more information? :confused:




Edited by telewatt
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Just a picture of an item sold at Westlicht' auction (2010 - picture from Westlicht online catalog) : very fine construction, it seems : no idea of the design... but if you say it was a 7 elements , it could have evolved in the Telyt 350 f4,8... a Mandler design also of 7 elements. The size seems similar to the Zeiss Tele Tessar 400 f 5,6 for Contarex, which in 1972 had just ended its not lucky life...

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Edited by luigi bertolotti
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Just a picture of an item sold at Westlicht' auction (2010 - picture from Westlicht online catalog) : very fine construction, it seems : no idea of the design... but if you say it was a 7 elements , it could have evolved in the Telyt 350 f4,8... a Mandler design also of 7 elements. The size seems similar to the Zeiss Tele Tessar 400 f 5,6 for Contarex, which in 1972 had just ended its not lucky life...


With a Novoflex pistol grip! Fascinating.

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interesting.... after the car accident, it was indeed repaired, it has also changed a little bit...

The grip attachment has probably made ​​new.

to the accident pictures (Published in "25 Years of Leica Historica") ... it still looks a little different.




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This telyt is illustrated also by Lager in his volume on lenses, with no written details.

Worth noting the low prices of some R items in that auction of May 2010 (indeed, it was the one where I bought my Telyt 800... by chance, illustrated with the description of the Telyt 4,8 400, thanks to the mismatching evidenced by JC.... ;))

Edited by luigi bertolotti
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This telyt is illustrated also by Lager in his volume on lenses, with no written details.

Worth noting the low prices of some R items in that auction of May 2010 (indeed, it was the one where I bought my Telyt 800... by chance, illustrated with the description of the Telyt 4,8 400, thanks to the mismatching evidenced by JC.... ;))

Was supposing... but fine if You tel yt ;)

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