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Using the 28mm Elmarit for some time now and really like it. Specially how small it is. I understand the Summicron is supposed to be better optically and not only just a stop faster. The cost of "upgrade" would be around CAN$ 2.5K.


I'm shooting mostly with the MM and have filters for the 21super elmar, 50&35 Lux that won't fit on the Elmarit but would fit nicely on the Summicron (could use an adapter i know...).


The downside of the Cron, other than the price, would be that huge hood that comes with it making the lens look way bigger than really is.


What's your take on the upgrade?





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Using the Elmarit-M 28 mm Asph for some time now and really like it. Specially how small it is. I understand the Summicron is supposed to be better optically ...

You "understand" that? How come? Because the Summicron is not significantly better optically.



... and not only just a stop faster.

Right—it is not only one stop faster. Still it's not optically better. Instead, it's different, has a slightly different character.



The downside of the Summicron [...] would be that huge hood that comes with it making the lens look way bigger than really is.

The hood, which is big enough to be actually effective, is an advantage.



What's your take on the upgrade?

It's not an upgrade; it's a switch (well, except when it specifically is lens speed you're after—then it's an upgrade indeed).

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I went from the zeiss ZM 28/2.8 to the cron. The ZM is very close optically to the 28/2.8 ASPH

Like said above the cron isn't optically better, its different.


For me it was the best thing I could do. I love the 28 cron and its by far my most used lens. I just love the pictures it gives me.

If I had to sell everything only to keep one lens, on every platform, the 28 cron would be the lens to keep.


But I can't tell if its the same for u. Go to flickr and search on pictures of the 28 cron to see its character and decide if its something for u.


In short, the 28 elmarit and ZM have more contrast and are optically great lenses.

The 28 cron has lots of vignetting and quite special out of focus area's. It has high sharpness also on f/2.

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Many folks, including me, use the hood for the 35 Summilux instead, Leica part 12589; it's effective.


Lenses are to individual taste. I suggest you rent or borrow one before making any switch to see if it fits your style and preference. I initially tried the Elmarit and Summicron asph, and chose the latter. YMMV.



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For a 28, the Elmarit is definitely value for money but the Summicron is an exceptional lens and without comparison. Buy it and you will not regret. For the hood, use the Contax GG1. It's compact and nice, and you can buy cheap versions on eBay.

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You "understand" that? How come? Because the Summicron is not significantly better optically.


Sorry, I should have phrased this better. I cannot comment if the lens is better or not without trying it. What I meant to say is that I read it on the net (on a few reviews), that the Summicron was a better lens than the Elmarit. I should have assumed.

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I have and keep both. Wonderful lenses.


That would be ideal. Although I could afford just buying the Summicron, I am trying to make sure I can justify having both. In order to do so, I decided to use the Elmarit as much as I can from now on, learn what I can do with it and the things I cannot. The MM allows me to get the ISO to 1250 as if it was still 400, very usable at 5000 and lucky sometimes to get a nice shot at 10.000. So the extra stop is not the deciding factor. It would be nice to use my set of filters on the 28mm. But for now, I will try to improve my skills, one day will be able to justify both.


Thank you all for the comments, specially regarding the hood (I will keep in mind using the other ones if I really need a smaller hood when I am not that worried about flare).

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... I read it on the net (on a few reviews), that the Summicron was a better lens than the Elmarit.

The Summicron-M 28 mm Asph may be (slightly) better than the (older) Elmarit-M 28 mm but is not better than the (current) Elmarit-M 28 mm Asph. Both of the current 28 mm M lenses are excellent performers. The difference basically is just max. aperture, size, weight, and cost. Well, and some, uh, character. So by switching you won't gain any sharpness; you'd just gain one stop of lens speed and lose some lightness/compactness.


Whether you like the rendition of the Summicron Asph better than the Elmarit Asph's or not is just a matter of taste; both are fine and have their place (that's why k-hawinkler generously suggests having both ;)).

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I find the extra stop very useful sometimes, and as you would expect you can use it at f2 without worrying about the quality, because its capable of producing beautiful images at any aperture. I love its rendering of colour and contrast, and find it a perfect match for a 50 Summilux ASPH.


The size doesn't worry me. Its not a large lens at all, (smaller than the 50 lux) and most of the time I use the metal hood which really feels as though its not there!

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The hood's number is 12466, fitting the 28mm Summicron and the pre-asph 28mm Elmarit as well as the 35mm Summilux asph (pre FLE).


You may find some information about it here: http://www.l-camera-forum.com/leica-forum/customer-forum/181344-leica-12589-vs-12466-replacement-hood.html#post1699571


P.S.: I am still waiting for the cheque (check) from Leica for doing so much advertising for a simple but extremely expensive though very well thought out hood.

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The hood's number is 12466, fitting the 28mm Summicron and the pre-asph 28mm Elmarit as well as the 35mm Summilux asph (pre FLE).


You may find some information about it here: http://www.l-camera-forum.com/leica-forum/customer-forum/181344-leica-12589-vs-12466-replacement-hood.html#post1699571


P.S.: I am still waiting for the cheque (check) from Leica for doing so much advertising for a simple but extremely expensive though very well thought out hood.


Thank you - I remember that thread now.

Think I'll stick to the plastic rectangular one.


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