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So we have a 3-month old daughter and I'm wondering if I need to worry about fumes or such when developing b/w at home. She will of course not be in the same room or even on the same floor but I thought I should ask if there are any precautions I should take.


Thanks in advance





philipus.com | flickr.com/philipus

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There shouldn't be any problems at all. Sniffing a bottle of stop bath can make your eyes water, but it is only the usual precautions that apply to any chemicals such as bleach and cleaning fluids and toddlers. If you decide in the future to try more exotic pyro developers they can be hazardous but they don't give off fumes.



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Thanks Michael. It's quite an experience.


I realise the question may seem over-the-top cautious but I am nevertheless very grateful for the replies.


My wife is very happy that I now have another subject to point my camera at :)




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Hello Philip,


Better to be as cautious as possible when you are entering a New World.


Your life is now changed forever in all kinds of ways that you didn't even know existed before. There is no going back from here. And this is just the beginning.


Children are unbelievably smart. Start teaching her about everything in the World right now. She wants to learn. Today is a good day to begin reading to her if you haven't already begun. The more & the longer the better. Children are naturally scientists in the fullest meaning of the word.


Right now she is learning like a sponge. Unbelievably quickly. You have more influence on her life from now until she starts going to school or to daycare than you ever will after either one of these begin. Use your time & her time wisely.


2 bits of advice:


1. Babys cry for a reason . It is the only way they know to tell you what they need until they learn to symbol or talk.


2. There are never too many hugs. Babys are people just like you or me. Only shorter. Everyone always needs another hug.


There is actually more than these 2 to learn. But not that much. It is the doing, not the theorizing, that takes a lot to do.


Also: Children don't have a clue about what "quality time" is. They only know they want to be with YOU (And your wife) as much as possible & they want to do what the 2 of you do.


Not "what the 2 of you say".




Best Regards,



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I've combined children and D76 (just not in the same tank). There is very little odour. Fixer has a bit of a pong to it but only if you have your nose over the container.


I would think the benefit to your family of having well crafted photos of them vastly outweighs any possibly risk from film developing chemicals.

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Your problems will start when your daughter becomes old enough to crawl. Then you must keep all your photochemicals locked up. Most of them are toxic when swallowed. Pouring them into the eyes is also extremely dangerous. No doubt you have already worked out how to safeguard your daughter from household chemicals (bleach etc.) — take the same stringent precautions with all your photographic chemicals.

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David, which tank do you use for your children? ;)


Thank you very much for your very helpful (and inspiring - thank you Michael) replies. I feel quite safe now to develop at home (and will certainly make sure that the chemistry is safely locked away so she doesn't find it).




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