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I have the opportunity to borrow an S2 and 70 lens for a couple of weeks for a trip to Scotland in June. I already own an old Hasselblad 500CX with a 50mm Distagon.


Has anyone here used V lenses on an S2 with any success?



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Nothing's up, just not used an S for more than half an hour, and never for a fortnight with maybe a Hassy lens.


If I bought a V-S adapter, it would be sold back to market after two weeks.


Have you any 50 Distagon / S2 shots you can share?

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I've tried the Planar 110 F2 and the CFE 180 f4 lenses on the S2 via the S-V adapter - it is doable but more hassle than it's worth, in my view. Having to open the aperture for focusing and close it down manually was the lesser of the issues, my (lack of) ability to reliably focus the lenses manually with the standard focusing screen quickly convinced me that this was not something I wanted to do on a regular basis. Perhaps ok when working off a tripod, but not handheld.

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The Hasselblad 50mm is wonderful on the S2. My V 50mm is the FLE version.


Focus confirmation works well, but not as precisely as AF, perhaps.


Rendition is beautiful and sharpness is a match for the S lenses as far as you can determine from a test chart.


The V adapter is quite bulky and more so than the others, so it makes the package a bit bigger, but still hand holdable.

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Here's a portrait of my eldest. Hand-held and full frame, wide open, taken with the V 50mm.


Notice that the OOF effect is significant for a wide angle lens, IMO.


The close-up is a 200% crop of the original. Detail holds well.

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When it works, the adaptor is excellent. I use it a lot with a Hassy 120 macro. But it is a pain in the ass ... Normally it takes two or three tries to get the camera to recognise the lense. It is not a contact cleaning issue. I will eventually send the adaptor back to Solms ... But I cannot get it to fail every time!



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When it works, the adaptor is excellent. I use it a lot with a Hassy 120 macro. But it is a pain in the ass ... Normally it takes two or three tries to get the camera to recognise the lense. It is not a contact cleaning issue. I will eventually send the adaptor back to Solms ... But I cannot get it to fail every time!




I've never had that problem and I have 4 Hasselblad lenses I've used on an S2.

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When it works, the adaptor is excellent. I use it a lot with a Hassy 120 macro. But it is a pain in the ass ... Normally it takes two or three tries to get the camera to recognise the lense. It is not a contact cleaning issue. I will eventually send the adaptor back to Solms ... But I cannot get it to fail every time!




Please ask Leica AG in Switzerland for exchange.


Best regards


Stephan Schulz

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have used Hasselblad FE lenses on the S2, and while they can be very useful to fill in the gaps, the S lenses are so much better (and better suited) that I rarely use them. The Hasselblad lenses I have used are the 50mm f/2.8 FE, 80mm CFE, 110/2 FE, 180/4 CF, 250mm f/4 FE and 350mm f/4FE. I now have 3 S lenses, the 35, 70 and 120. The 70 and 120 are closely comparable in focal length to the 110/2 and the 80mm CFE, but optically there is not much comparison. In particular, I was rather shocked when I saw that the 120mm was sharper across the entire image at f/2.5 than the 110/2 was at f/8! It was not a focus issue, and the 110/2 was indeed sharp, just not AS sharp and without the same level of microcontrast. It's a pretty staggering feat.

The 80mm fared much better against the 70mm, but it was still not that close. Wide open the Hasselblad was much softer with more vignetting. Stopped down to f/5.6 or so, and it was delivering sharp lovely results across the majority of the image. No complaints.


I also had the opportunity to test the 250mm f/5.6 Superachromat. It was very sharp and well corrected at f/5.6 It matched the performance of the 120mm Leica lens in resolution, but had more vignetting at 5.6 than the 120 did at f/2.5. Of course, it is also two and a half stops slower!


I have used many of the best lenses made 35mm and medium format cameras, and few if any come close to the S lenses. They are just in a different league, particularly when you take into account their apertures, autofocus and weather sealing.

Also, please don't get me wrong, the V lenses are capable of extremely nice results on the S cameras, especially when stopped down a bit and carefully focused, but in direct comparison with the S lenses, it is clear what an accomplishment Leica has made, and also how well tailored the S lenses are to use with the overall S system. System integration is not a trivial matter, and by using the lenses designed for the system, you gain a great deal of benefit, particularly in this system. But by all means, take the adapter and Hasselblad lenses along to broaden your focal length possibilities.

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I also have Leica 35mm, 70, and 120 macro lenses for my S2. Unfortunately only the 70 has a CS shutter. I invested in the H to S adapter and like others it took the second one to function correctly. I then purchased 2 HC Hasselblad lenses, 150N and 210 both of course are CS shutters up to 1/750. so far I'm pleased with the 150n (have not tried the 210) but I would agree it's not as good as a Leica. AF is slower and hunts sometimes, it's a slower lens @ 3.2 and the IQ is very good but not as sharp as the 120 Leica. That said I purchased both lenses and the adapter for less money than ONE Leica lens. You get what you pay for but I'm happy with that. I love the S2, it has an incredible sensor!



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