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Is there a setting on the D-Lux 6 that allows for some sharpening (i.,e. slightl pixelation) of images as they are taken and not afterward in the computer. I was told that there is a color setting that allows this but have not been able to find it.


I have an old Kodak DC with a Schneider lens that allows this and the images are beautifully crisp. I find that, as good as the Leica lenses are (and I own several), when it comes to taking pictures with the D-Lux, they need a little sharpening and I would prefer not to have to run a batch of files through PhotoShop.

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Hi Roger,


press menu


first selection is film mode - press arrow right (right of menu button)

this will take you to your chosen film mode standard, vivid, b&w etc.

press arrow down twice (beneath menu button)

this will take you to sharpness + or ++

*or press arrow down four times for noise reduction. - or - -


good luck. :)


roger anthony

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