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Been trying to pick up a Leica camera for a long time now, and I mean a LONG time, I'm not made of money (self employed) and recently won one in an auction lot, unfortunately in the title they put: "A Leica DRP Ernst Leitz Wetzlar camera, leather case; and a Kodak Contessa Compur camera, leather case"


I was wondering if someone could tell from this picture( it is rather shocking ) what leica camera it is, and even what the other camera is, as i cant find anything called a kodak contessa compur'


picture here:







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I seems to be a IIIf, one of the best Leica thread mount cameras for daily use. Probably with an Elmar 3.5 cm 3.5 lens.

The other camera appears to be one of the ubiquitous folding 6x9 cameras which are not very practical any more to use.


Btw, unfortunately we cannot put values on the cameras on this forum in case you were wondering about that.

Edited by jaapv
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.......I was wondering if someone could tell from this picture( it is rather shocking ) what leica camera it is, and even what the other camera is, as i cant find anything called a kodak contessa compur'








It is impossible to tell the from such a small image what Leica model this may be. It does not look like a IIIf, as the superstructure (top of the camera) appears smaller that the IIIf should be.


As to your Kodak Contessa Compur query - Kodak is..... well... we all know what Kodak is, Contessa is the name of a Zeiss Ikon 35mm camera and Compur is a type of shutter. All three names put together in a title are totally unrelated and probably just used by the seller as key words to attract more hits to the page.


There also used to be a German manufacturer located in Stuttgart called Contessa-Nettel who in early 1920's joined with other manufacturers to form Zeiss Ikon. Contessa-Nettel did indeed make cameras like the one depicted in your image and it is quite possible that that is what you bought.


As mentioned in previous posts, if you have the serial number of the Leica, it will take you 30 seconds of internet search time to find the model.





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Welcome to the forum !!!


The picture is really VERY little... but, as a new member, we do forgive you ... :)


Though little, I'd say... is not a IIIf but a IIIb (IIIc and IIIf have a small chrome square panel around the lens); a nice classic Leica anyway... post more (and bigger ;)) images and we will be able to tell you A LOT about it...

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For sure neither Iiic nor IIIf, as Luigi explained. But with the best will I cannot tell is it III, IIIa or IIIb. Seem to have rectangular window on viewer, could be any of above




It (vaguley) seems to me to see the dioptre lever around the rewind knob (indeed.. just a "spot" on the pic...:o) , distinctive of IIIb... but I can be wrong.

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Hi there guys, really sorry for the small picture but thats all I could get from the auctioneer, I have paid for the item, so it should be coming within the next couple of days!


Ill post much higher quality pictures when it comes, and give the serial number!


I understand that you cant value it and thats cool!





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I agree that you should have the "CLA" (clean lube and adjust) since you don't know when the camera was last used. At a minimum, run through the speeds looking at the shutter cloths (through the front with the lens off). You should also examine the lens for clouding (fungus). With luck, you picked up a fabulous picture taker and machine for very little. Worst case scenario, you have to spend a bit more. Either way, you will derive great pleasure from the camera. One last word....remember the key loading trick: cut down the film leader.

Enjoy, post, and comment here often.

John W

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