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It seems like I have an auto exposure button "stuck" on.


X2 set to P. I frame the shot and push the shutter button 1/2 way, to see focus and exposure. If I shoot the picture all works fine. I don't push the shutter all the down ( if I just release the button) The camera keeps metering random scenes, not the focus just the exposure. Is there an exposure lock that I have switched on someplace? Taking a picture completes the cycle also switching the power off completes the cycle too. Pushing the button 1/2 way again does nothing.


I noticed this by accident because I hear a clicking /chirping from the as I walk around with the camera.


All advice welcome. THANKS.

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On further testing. I reset the X2 to factory settings.

As soon a I turn the camera on it starts metering and continuously adjusts the cameras F stop. No data in the viewfinder, I here and see the F stop continuously adjusting. If I fire the shutter the photos are fine.

Also when I push the shutter 1/2 way and do not take a photo, in the finder I see exposure data, after a few seconds the data stops showing. But the F stop continuously adjust and never turns off.

This cant be correct?

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.... But the F stop continuously adjust and never turns off.

This cant be correct?


FWIW, my X1 does the same: there is a constant clatter from the aperture when the camera sees scenes of differing brightness. Somewhere I read about some other camera model doing the same until a firmware update took care of it, but I cannot remember which one it was.


As long as the pics turn out OK, it´s more of a nuisance than a real fault, I feel. I guess it does this to regulate the video sent to the LCD; after all, the camera cannot know if someone is indeed watching the LCD or not, so it does it all the time.

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Leica Tech Support confirms elgenper's post

"What you have described is a normal function for the X camera that is perhaps not customarily seen on other cameras. In order to keep the brightness level of the live view image consistent, the aperture continuously adjusts to compensate when the brightness changes up or down."

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