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This weekend I loaded Adox Silvermax in my 3f or the first time. At 100 ASA I could expose around 1/200 s at 5.6 or 8.

I decided to stick to my entrusted D76 1:1 and tried a development time of 12.5 minutes at 20 degrees Celcius.

I scanned with a Plustek 7600i and SilverFast 8. Silvermax looks a bit like Agfa APX 100 but with a finer grain.

This film doesn't have the sensitive emulsion with the white spots of the Adox CHS films. Actually it handles very well and smooth.

The results are in the Architecture forum: http://www.l-camera-forum.com/leica-forum/architecture/281317-abandoned-house.html



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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw the images, very nice!


I like how you said "Agfa APX 100 but with a finer grain" as I'm a fan of the old Agfa film (even though I never shot it.)


I recently exposed 18 rolls of Silvermax and sent it off to Dr5 for reverse processing. It will be interesting to see how it looks through my Leica projector!


Dr5 via his testing of Silvermax suggests a "normal" rating of 160 ISO through his process. So obviously I shot it at 160 ISO. I'll see how it turns out.



Edited by thebarnman
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