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I have used the original version Walter eyepiece on my M9 for a couple of years and found it to be a very large improvement over the Leica diopters and magnifiers that I had used before to improve focusing accuracy. The original eyepiece was well made, but the lens housing (which encloses the bearing that makes the asymmetrical lens correction function properly) was vulnerable to mild impact in normal use and bopping around in the camera bag.


Walter recently announced a redesign to solve the delicacy of his original version ( Walter Leica Eyepiece )…. I purchased and received mine just after my M240. Focusing accuracy and visibility through the OVF remain the same as before (excellent), but the new design is far more solid in its attachment to the M body and the rotating lens housing is now completely protected from impact. This is a big improvement, and I think any diopter user would be very happy with the new Walter eyepiece… note that the eyepiece, like Leica diopters, largely obscures visibility of the 28mm frame lines in the OVF.


No, I have no affiliation with Walter. I paid full retail for both versions!;)

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I used Walter eyepieces due to astigmatism combined with diopter needs far in excess of -3.0. They have worked fine. However, now I just use a Match Technical rubber eye cup and my normal eyeglasses which is much easier than taking them off every time I wanted to shoot an image.

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Actually, this is version 3.


The first version was a clamp on unit, the second was a screw on version, and this one appears to be a slip on model. Currently I am using the screw on version, with much satisfaction I might add.

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  • 3 months later...
I used Walter eyepieces due to astigmatism combined with diopter needs far in excess of -3.0. They have worked fine. However, now I just use a Match Technical rubber eye cup and my normal eyeglasses which is much easier than taking them off every time I wanted to shoot an image.


Does the Match Tech eyecup actually improve your view? Can you see all the 35mm frame lines with the eyecup?


I primarily shoot with my 35mm lens and have a difficult time seeing the entire frame with my glasses on.

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