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Last weekend at the Leica users seaside challenge in Whitby I took with me the X100s as it was delivered as I was leaving home.


Here is my review if the little camera:


Rangefinder Chronicles: New Fuji X100-S Up North


And a cheeky photo from it of the Leica users (so it's surely allowed) in in camera mode in the pub:

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Thx for the link to your review! A most interesting contribution with

some splendid photographs. Thx a lot for sharing your X100S- experience.

LEICA should also have a similar product on top of their D-luxes ...


I´am already looking forward to your take on the >>M<<.





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Very good report and I can see that the new 100s lives up to it's earlier ancestor and improves on it.

There is nothing quite like images for conveying just what a camera is capable of and it was also good to see our erstwhile UK moderator looking fit and well in your report! :D


Thank you for posting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I too find it a very nice piece of machinery and imo it delivers very good results, both the final product and the handling. Now considering a x pro 1 as well......

With an adapter. And some Fuji glasswork.

Edited by larsv
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And a cheeky photo from it of the Leica users (so it's surely allowed) in in camera mode in the pub:


It looks like a panorama mode shot. I had a similar result: the right handside somehow appears double in the shot.

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