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I picked up a M2 (2nd version) with a serial number indicating Midland production (9872xx) as far as I can tell. It has a seal which looks like a "C" to it and I wonder, whether it is genuine. I could not find any pictures to compare but just this thread - any comments?


I do not really mind if it is not genuine, would make the decision easier, once need for service comes up; just have the first roll drying. Just curious about it.



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This does not look like a genuine 'C' seal. I was involved in the Canadian photo industry during the early 1970's and remember seeing them - this one does not look right.


The 'C' seal was also used by Walter A. Carveth - official Canadian Leica agents who operated a superb service department. Every M Leica serviced by them received their 'C' seal and that one was also different from the one on the M2 in your photo.


Many independent Leica technicians developed their own seals and this could very well be one of those.





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thank you very much for taking the time and responding. I wasn't aware of different users of the C and it looks more scratched in than stamped. In addition, the camera's shutter times look reasonably correct. In an unprofessional attempt I figured from 1/500 to 1/8 exposure is about consistent, 1/1000 seems to meet the 1/700 standard and the longer times sound to be a bit longer, in particular 1s. Also, the finder is correct.

I doubt that without any service, an M2 can keep performance that well.


The only issue I have noticed is that the focus patch is a tiny bit high and the 90mm frame moves slightly downward when the lever is moved. Do you happen to know whether this an easy fix?



And let me add a picture (I don't have my Summaron back yet, so a more modern lens had to take its place)





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The focus patch can't move, it's part of the overall rangefinder design.


The frame lines move as you focus, to compensate for parallax.


Forget about seals, the important thing is that the camera functions. Some repairers even have the original Leica seal stamps so I understand.

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Hello Michael,


Welcome to the Forum.


About your being uncomfortable about your photo of your M2 with a modern lens:


One of the BEST things about using older film M's is: They can use the same lens & take just as good a picture as a person can take today with the latest MP.


Just because your camera body is from years ago: That doesn't mean that your photos today have to be the same photos that people took years ago.


Don't forget that one of the big differences between when your M2 was built & now is:


Film is generally much better today.


Something which is sometimes forgotten in this digital age when comparing didital images from today with photos made years ago.


Best Regards,



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If the 90mm frame moves too far it means they all move too far. Unlikely there's a problem IMHO unless the whole assembly has been damaged somehow. Have you tried framing with it? What's the problem exactly?


Looking through the finder, the focus patch is relatively (vertical) higher when either with the frame selector or a lens the setting is 90mm. Probably this applies as well to 50mm and 35mm, but due to the larger size of the frame, it is not apparent. I have not yet taken pictures to check the finder versus the actual - need to do this tomorrow. I only checked focus and that is spot on.





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Hello Michael,


Welcome to the Forum.


About your being uncomfortable about your photo of your M2 with a modern lens:


One of the BEST things about using older film M's is: They can use the same lens & take just as good a picture as a person can take today with the latest MP.


Just because your camera body is from years ago: That doesn't mean that your photos today have to be the same photos that people took years ago.


Don't forget that one of the big differences between when your M2 was built & now is:


Film is generally much better today.


Something which is sometimes forgotten in this digital age when comparing didital images from today with photos made years ago.


Best Regards,





Michael - thanks, It is less being uncomfortable, more about me pointing out I am looking forward to having the M2 + Summaron combo finally. The simplicity of the M2 is what I appreciate about it so much and having nothing that speaks to you or flickers in the finder is indeed an experience.





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Hello Michael,


That is very observant of you.


All is most likely well.


When you put any lens in an M2 or any other M with a built in viewfinder (Including an M1) you first see the lens frame in the lower right of the viewfinder window. As you lock the lens in place you see the frame (And rangefinder patch except in an M1) move up & to the left. More if the lens is set at Infinity. Less if it is set to a closer distance.


This is the cam on the lens engaging the roller in the body. It is acting as it should.


If you notice:


With any lens properly mounted on the camera: As you focus closer than Infinity the appropriate frame(s). move to the lower right. Except in the M1 where there is no rangefinder rectangle to move with the frames.


Best Regards,



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If the 90mm frame moves too far it means they all move too far. Unlikely there's a problem IMHO unless the whole assembly has been damaged somehow. Have you tried framing with it? What's the problem exactly?


After some framing tests, this is the findings, again no professional testing, but me with a meter stick and a pocketable tripod out in the yard Sunday morning with our neighbours guessing what I was doing...


1. Framlines for 35mm and 90mm correspond well with the actual picture on the neg, both for 1m and 2m distance

2. The focus patch aims maybe 2° too high, so vertically is does not sit in the middle; the horizontal position is fine. Focus itself is perfect for both distances and both lenses used.


All in all, not a problem to picture taking, obviously. I guess I leave it that way.


Thank you for help and advice!



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The adjusting excentric for the vertical alignment of the focus patch sits behind the chrome screw at the front. Somebody has already openened it up ( using the wrong screwdriver :() so there is no reason not to adjust it correctly. It is a great aid to focussing to have it aligned well.

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The adjusting excentric for the vertical alignment of the focus patch sits behind the chrome screw at the front. Somebody has already openened it up ( using the wrong screwdriver :() so there is no reason not to adjust it correctly. It is a great aid to focussing to have it aligned well.




thanks, good to know (and, yes, the scratch on the screw is indicative). I suppose from other threads this should be done by someone knowing what they do. It's on this list; also the longer times are too long (longer than 1/4). Otherwise - terrific camera.



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