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With the (hopefully) imminent arrival of the M 240 I would have expected to see an increase of M9's and M9-P's hitting the 'used equipment' market. This does not really seem to have happened. Is this because people are not trading up or are they keeping their original gear and adding to it.


I realise not everyone will trade their M9's etc. to the M but I thought there would be more movement than there is.


I personally think that getting the right price will be tough. I still have my M9-P which I will trade in for my M (when it eventually arrives). Dealer will not give me a price yet but seems to think that £3000 would be erring on high? Seems very low to me.


Wouldn't mind some of your thoughts.



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I'm happy with my upgraded M9 and it does the job for me, i would prefer to buy a Monochrom instead of the M, without selling my M9.


Check this link for second hand M9(P) prices at Leicashop Vienna Leica M-Kameras - LEICA


Personally i think that 2/3 from new price is a good sales price.

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Dealer will not give me a price yet but seems to think that £3000 would be erring on high? Seems very low to me.


Seems fair (to high) to me. The going rate for used M9-Ps seems to be around £3750 and that will fall as some of these cameras come out of Leica warranty. If the dealer pays you £3000 he has to pay VAT on the margin (assuming the dealer sells goods via the margin scheme, the more "professional" orientated dealers like Robert White don't) which leaves a gross margin of £625 from which the dealer has to take a warranty risk and cover usual overheads.

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Guest Essemmlee
With the (hopefully) imminent arrival of the M 240 I would have expected to see an increase of M9's and M9-P's hitting the 'used equipment' market. This does not really seem to have happened. Is this because people are not trading up or are they keeping their original gear and adding to it.


I realise not everyone will trade their M9's etc. to the M but I thought there would be more movement than there is.


I personally think that getting the right price will be tough. I still have my M9-P which I will trade in for my M (when it eventually arrives). Dealer will not give me a price yet but seems to think that £3000 would be erring on high? Seems very low to me.


Wouldn't mind some of your thoughts.




I have a little beauty for sale on this very site.

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My aim is three levels, D-LUX 6 (achieved); M9-P (achieved); MM (=$$ :o). With the D-LUX functionality, I see no need for an M in addition to the M9-P. I doubt there will be many used M9's for sale for the next year or so, so the prices will probably stay high.

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Not selling mine until I have an M in my sweaty little hands. Plus my M9 is a tatty little beast. Will be lucky to get about £2500 for it. And I'll lose out on the VAT stuff too. Will be lucky to get £2000 for it in the end. But that's fine. My car depreciates quicker than that

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At the moment, my M9 is worth more to me than a dealer is likely to offer me in P/E. Furthermore, it meets all of my current requirements. So here is one M9 not destined for the marketplace yet.:)

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I, for one, am looking to part with my beloved M9 for the M, which I am hoping to can pick it up next Thursday.


If it wasn't for the higher ISO capability and almost silent shutter I wouldn't part with my M9; it's been an amazingly lovely bit of kit to use.

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I just picked up someones used M9 from a dealer here in Seattle, $4200.00 USD for what that's worth.


I traded mine in 3 weeks ago to Glazer's for $2,800. I figured that it saved me $350 in local sales tax and eBay fees. So, I got $3,150 and no eBay buyer hassles for my trade in on the M. Mine was definitely used and I wasn't looking forward to listing in on eBay.


If, I was a professional and needed a back up I might have kept it. But, I knew that I would never pick it up as long as I have the M.

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I am keeping the M9 until the M verdict and bugs are worked out, then decide whether to sell or keep. Rather than change lenses I carry an extra body, it's faster. After reading all the reviews and using the M the M9 images are still very very good.

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A UK Leica dealer will give around £2000 for an M9 in reasonable condition as a trade in. I would guess that means the selling price for it would be in the region of £3200. It would have a warranty as well.


I don't think it is any surprise that there aren't many about to buy. The impact of the M9 against the M8 was more of a quantum leap, and more M8's were traded in at the time. Leica's sales figures will help them learn.



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Hopefully there will be new buyers for the M, I am more interested in lenses and an MM before the current M (I remain uninspired by the rendering and prefer the M9 from what I have seen so far)


I wonder when Leica will send review copies to the big titles and endeavour to attract the Nikon/Canon/fuji/Sony fans ?

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