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Greasy Japanese Zeiss lenses...did German glass suffer from this?

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I bought a bunch of Zeiss (Japanese) glass and a 15mm Voigt. 5 out of 6 of the lenses had loads of grease visible on the side of the inner workings, near the rear element, when you focus the lens through its range.


Should I try to clean up some of this grease at the rear of the lens?


It is far enough away from the glass. but it looks like a great dust catcher. The Voigt is the worst offender. But a couple of the Z lenses are close to the greasy Voigt.


Did the old German Zeiss glass display so much grease?


Does Leica glass suffer from excessive grease coming out of its rear end? I would hope they do not for the money they charge.



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I have always said, if something is too greasy, don't buy it. This policy has saved me from many a kebab over the years. They were extortionately expensive too. Where do these people get off, eh?





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