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Lightroom is the recommended software for M9 files, but other applications are available, including Aperture and Capture One.


Lightroom 5 is currently in beta and can be downloaded for a trial from Adobe and will be available to buy in June.

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This is a simple question. .... Which soft ware is the best


Simple answer...it depends...on you.


Some people love one product, while others hate it, and vice versa.


You can download a trail version of any. My best advice, though, is that once you choose one to use, stick with it until you understand everything important that it can do for you, and what it can't. Most people like what they've been using for a while.


LR provides a cataloging function, which may or may not be another consideration for you. It was for me, and I've been pleased with Adobe's continual improvements to the overall software. It can now do things that one needed PS to do not so long ago, and some things that PS can't do as easily. YMMV.



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Simple answer...it depends...on you.


Some people love one product, while others hate it, and vice versa.


You can download a trail version of any. My best advice, though, is that once you choose one to use, stick with it until you understand everything important that it can do for you, and what it can't. Most people like what they've been using for a while.


LR provides a cataloging function, which may or may not be another consideration for you. It was for me, and I've been pleased with Adobe's continual improvements to the overall software. It can now do things that one needed PS to do not so long ago, and some things that PS can't do as easily. YMMV.




I concur with Jeff. Download free trial versions and see what you prefer. I like Lightroom because I find it intuitive and easy to work with and I like the cataloging, export and print modules of Lightroom.

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I strongy recommend picking either Lightroom or Aperture and just shoot raw dng format. The two programs have nearly identical functionality: a database architectures, indexing and keywording functioins, and a set of image processing functions that meet all of my needs. I use both, I prefer Aperture, but at present it does not support the Leica Monochrom's linear DNG format. In general I think Aperture's user interface and data architecture are better, Lightroom's image processing functions are a bit better. I second Jeff's opinion that once you pick one, sick with it. Both applications have a lot of fucntions, neither can be learned in a month.

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