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Leica Monochrom users might be interested in the following video of the Phase One IQ260 Achromatic which is an improved version of their monochrome digital back, with photographic examples by the photographer Bernd Radtke at the old olympic village in Berlin:



The web page with technical specifications is here:


Phase One IQ260, IQ280 and Achromatic: 11 Things to Know - DT Blog


The price of these backs makes the Leica body look more reasonable for a specialized tool. Perhaps a future Monochrom based on the Leica M could offer some of the functionality of the Achromatic digital back such as an electronic level and grid lines in live view.



Edited by Nick_S
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Looks like a very fine product and there is nothing like a serious bit of kit on a tripod to help focus the creative mind.


Incidentally, whoever thought that music soundtrack was a good idea should be sacked and somebody needs to let the photographer know that no man (let alone one over the age of fifty) has ever looked good with a ponytail.

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  • 3 months later...
Looks like a very fine product and there is nothing like a serious bit of kit on a tripod to help focus the creative mind.


Incidentally, whoever thought that music soundtrack was a good idea should be sacked and somebody needs to let the photographer know that no man (let alone one over the age of fifty) has ever looked good with a ponytail

Wondering if this or a monochrome Phase One is more exceptional. The combination sure is, but I find it in harmony here.

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