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Hi everyone, I am new to Leica and the forum.

I've got a Leica CL, haven't got a Summicron C 40mm yet, so thought to try mounting My Summar which came with my Leica IIIa using a Leica LTM to M original adapter.

Point is, double image comes before the Summar locks to infinity position. On the Leica IIIa the Summar focuses at inf. lock pos., but on the CL it does a little bit before inf. lock pos.

Could this be due to the CL having a shorter rf base?

Other LTM lenses do the same thing on the Leitz adapter, but these were russian so they could be poorly adjusted so aren't helpful towards coming to a conclusion. Has anyone have a clue? Anyone selling a Leica C cron 40mm?

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From way you say, all your LTM lenses behave the same way: the split image of the CL rangefinder aligns on a distant object (at least 200m, preferably further) while the focusing scale on the lens has not yet reached infinity.


That suggests either that the LTM adapter is a dud (too thin) or - more likely IMHO - that the CL rangefinder needs adjustment.


Can you try a couple of M-mount lenses (maybe at a dealer's shop)? If the problem remains, it's time to get the CL serviced.

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I suppose this is an option.

I am really working on buying an M lens for the CL,

hope will do so within April so perhaps take a roll with the proper lens,

so I know what the problem could be.

Edited by crow
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Hi everyone, I am new to Leica and the forum....


Anyone selling a Leica C cron 40mm?


Summicrons 40 are easier to be found "in kit" with a CL... but for instance these well known dealers have some for sale :

Summicron-C 2/40mm - Leica M-Objektive - LEICA


Leica Store Berlin: M-Objektive : Produktliste


Leica 40mm Lenses

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I bought a 40mm Summicron off a CL whose M mount flange had been modified to bring up the 35mm outline on M cameras. This works.and makes a cheaper alternative to buying a 35mm Summicron.

If you buy a 40mm for your CL and later change to an M body you might find this information handy.


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looks like it had suffered a bump.

Had it cla'ed.

The rangefinder was readjusted and aligned correctly.

Works fine even with the adapter and summar. Still got to get a 9cm and a 40mm leica to go with. I love the size and mechanics of the CL.

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