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I trust we've all got some excellent photos to select a winner from!


What happens next is that you should send the images to the following email address - mail - at - steveunsworth.co.uk


That's all one string, with ' - at - ' replaced with @


Photos should be of the size that's allowed in the forum - i.e. up to 1024 pixels on the longest side, and up to around 300k in size. If possible please remove any exif data from the photo you submit.


Please also include the following details...



Forum Name

Camera Used

Lens/Focal Length Used

Film/ISO used

Photo's Title - this is optional.


You have until Sunday the 12th of May to submit them. I realise this is a long time, but I'm on holiday at the beginning of May. If I receive them all before I go on holiday I'll try to create the gallery used for judging before I go away.


All the photos will be put in an online gallery, in a random order. Once that's been done the photos will be available for people to select their 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices. I'll add up all the points. and declare the winner.

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