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Difficult trade

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Guest Essemmlee

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I have an Olympus E-M5 plus a few quality lenses and flash that I wish to trade for an X2. I am UK based. Does anyone know of a suitable website where something like this can happen?



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Best and by far easiest way is to sell your kit first. Then buy new or 2nd hand X2.


Owning and absolutely liking my X2, I'd still tell you to try one first. Just to make sure what you're getting and getting into.


It's a wonderfully simplistic camera, but 100% different from OM-D.



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Guest Essemmlee
Best and by far easiest way is to sell your kit first. Then buy new or 2nd hand X2.


Owning and absolutely liking my X2, I'd still tell you to try one first. Just to make sure what you're getting and getting into.


It's a wonderfully simplistic camera, but 100% different from OM-D.




Thanks for info. I am an old X1 user and used to the intricacies of this type of camera.

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Try Ffordes. They will either part-exchange or sell on commission for you. Or David Stephens in Manchester offer a similar service and are Leica specialists but will take other kit.

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Guest Essemmlee
Try Ffordes. They will either part-exchange or sell on commission for you. Or David Stephens in Manchester offer a similar service and are Leica specialists but will take other kit.


Will do. Thanks.

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