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When I got my Monochrom in October, I noticed a thin vertical or horizontal line that was sometimes visible usually at ISO's over 1600..The higher the ISO the more visible the line.


I had spoken to Carmen at Leica NJ right before Hurricane Sandy and I was all set up to go to Leica NJ and have them remap the sensor while I waited.


But I wasn't able to get there and didn't want to let me Monochrom out of my hands. It was borderline OCD that I had trouble parting with it. :)


But I called Carmen last Monday and she had it picked up the next day and promised to do her best to get it sorted out as fast as possible.


She called me Thursday morning and told me it was all ready if I wanted to come get it or she would overnight it to me.


What a nice feeling to open the box and see my camera all wrapped up so neatly (cool how they shrink wrap them) with a certification card and a note how they cleaned the sensor and did check the camera as I requested.


This was about as good as customer service can get.


I'm sure it is my imagination and I have only taken a handful of images to see if the repair was made but it seems the ISO performance is better after remapping it. :p

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