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Hi All


First post here...


Strange issue with my M9. All I get are split-screen images. I am shooting uncompressed DNG only. Mostly black on the left side...a purplish twisted hue on the right.


Any ideas?


Previously, I would occasionally get a pixellated image with over-saturated colors for a few shots...then all would return to normal. Now all I get is this split-screened business.



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Hmm. So the Sensor just died??? Is this common?


Just tried a reformatted SD card. Same.


Worst case, it should still be under warranty - bought it used at BH. They have a 90 Warranty. Will have to see what the process is. The camera was basically Mint. Took a number of great shots.


Thanks for the feedback. Any idea what sensor costs - out of pocket - if it comes to that?

Edited by WestCoastM9
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OOP cost is a lot, so hope your warranty covers it. The problem is not common but anything can happen to gear at any time. It's just (bad) luck.


Best course is immediately refer to B&H for support.

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At least $1000 would be my guess. It's not just the sensor which is replaced but the circuit board it's mounted on. There's a critical alignment process to make sure the sensor is normal to the optical axis and a colour and sensitivity calibration process. They will also want to check the rangefinder calibration. It all adds up to a lot of money for parts and labour.


Let's hope your warranty covers it.

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At least $1000 would be my guess. It's not just the sensor which is replaced but the circuit board it's mounted on. There's a critical alignment process to make sure the sensor is normal to the optical axis and a colour and sensitivity calibration process. They will also want to check the rangefinder calibration. It all adds up to a lot of money for parts and labour.


Let's hope your warranty covers it.


Thanks Mark,


My local camera shop - doesn't do repairs - confirmed its a sensor issue. On the phone with B&H now. I am covered under 90-day warranty. They are sending me the return shipping authorization.


The camera had 1500 shots taken when I purchased it. I had the option of exchanging it for another used M9, but I cannot count on them having another one as pristine (at least cosmetic) condition.


Will be good to get the alignment et al done. Now I just hope the turnaround is relatively quick.

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On the phone with B&H now. I am covered under 90-day warranty. They are sending me the return shipping authorization.


The camera had 1500 shots taken when I purchased it. I had the option of exchanging it for another used M9, but I cannot count on them having another one as pristine (at least cosmetic) condition.




B&H will undoubtedly send it to Leica (NJ or Solms) as only Leica can do the sensor and you will get back a factory repair probably with a Leica warranty of some duration and a complete checkup as the repair will involve a complete disassembly. That is some compensation for the failure but still not a pleasant experience.

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Thanks folks.


Yes. A pain really. That said, if Leica will do the end to end install / adjustment etc. etc. I suppose it will be as good as new.


I am still learning the M9. I wanted to do some more experimentation prior to a trip to a National Park.


Have a 28mm Elmarit to arrive tomorrow - used from from B&H. :eek:


Won't get a chance to put it through its paces. Will have to get a friend do so for me.


I was given a rough estimate of 4-5 weeks to get the camera back from BH / Leica...not sure if that is accurate, low or high.

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It seems, even out of warranty, Leica are very generous when it comes to defective sensors.


I also had my sensor fail two days ago. Without warning. Took a couple of photos, and all was working fine, and then the next photo I took....the purple curtain...I bought my M9 three years ago...the warranty is only good for two years...I have only taken just short of 11,000 photos with my Leica.


I took the camera into the Leica repair center in the International Building here in Singapore. At first, they told me to replace the sensor would cost me $2500...I almost fainted. They then told me that Leica (out of good will) will replace the sensor for a camera out of warranty for SEVEN HUNDRED dollars!! Since they don't have any sensors in stock, it will take more than two months to get repaired....so, I am out of a camera for at least the next two months in addition to a ridiculous amount of money to have something fixed that I didn't break to begin with.


Is this Leica being "very generous when it comes to defective sensors" ???


WTF?? Why would a $10,000 dollar camera only last three years?? I am pissed off!! Leica should replace the faulty sensor for FREE....I treat my Leica like my own child...I didn't do anything....the sensor just suddenly stopped working!!

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Scotty - don't mess with local dealers or agents. Contact Leica service in SOLMS DIRECTLY explaining the problem and nicely asking them if they can help. My experience with this sort of issue on a body that was out of warranty was 100% positive.


I've pm'd the best person's email to you.

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Scotty, exactly what Chris said.

Go direct. Be polite.

They will look after you.

They will not commit to much on the phone but will do the right thing.

You will be surprised.

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Good luck Scotty.


I hope I never see the "Purple Curtain" again.


That said, I have send off my M9 to BH. I'll keep you all posted re: how it turns out. I sent back as it was covered under their 90 day used-gear warranty. B&H has a pretty good rep. This will be my first test of said rep. Fingers crossed I get the camera back in ~5-6 weeks.

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>> Scotty


The recommendation was to do things without the dealer. I would second that strongly.

Sent you the address of LEICA-Customer Service - renamed Customer Care - to your PM-Mailbox.


Just check the Private Messages-section top of this site ...


Hope, your problem will be solved soon. Unfortunately - camerawise - you do not happen

to be round the corner of the wizards of SOLMS.





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