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Sorry if that has been asked before.


I have set the MM to auto review 3s, with histogram on and highlight clipping at 100%. I deliberately overexposed some shots. The automatic review shows the histogram but does not show the highlight clipping (i.e., does not show in red the overexposed areas of the shot). If I hit play, and then hit the info button a couple of times, it shows the overexposed areas in red.


Is that normal? I don't think so (the auto review on my M9 and S2 shows the highlight clipping). Am I missing something, or is there a bug in the camera?


Any suggestion how to fix this? (Edit: I already tried a reset and with histogram on or of.)



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Guest borge

I just tried and you are correct.


Clipped highlight or shadow portions are not shown.


But also, more importantly: The raw histogram is not shown either. It seems like the camera displays some sort of temporary / approximate histogram during auto-review.


When I press the Play button on the image (after it is written to the card) the raw histogram displays, which can differ quite a bit from the auto-review histogram.

I am not sure if it's supposed to be this way or not.

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